Extended basic gwy.objects definition to include GwySurface, GwyBrick, GwyGraphModel, and GwyGraphCurveModel classes. Examples of usage updated in the README.rst file. This was tested on GwySurface and GwyGraphModel/CurveModel objects and seems to work fine. I did not fully test on GwyBrick datatypes as I did not have any good example data for my use case. The various Enum types were implemented from the documentation, but may not be complete. Also, these were not tested fully
Extended basic gwy.objects definition to include GwySurface, GwyBrick, GwyGraphModel, and GwyGraphCurveModel classes. Examples of usage updated in the README.rst file. This was tested on GwySurface and GwyGraphModel/CurveModel objects and seems to work fine. I did not fully test on GwyBrick datatypes as I did not have any good example data for my use case. The various Enum types were implemented from the documentation, but may not be complete. Also, these were not tested fully