tuxu / ipynb-quicklook

A Quick Look generator for Jupyter/IPython notebooks without further dependencies
MIT License
188 stars 9 forks source link

fails to load in Monterey #9

Closed moffat closed 2 years ago

moffat commented 2 years ago


I've tried installing ipynb-quicklook using both the releases here and homebrew. It doesn't seem to work even after using `qlmanage -r' and 'killlall Finder'.

Trying from the terminal, I get:

qlmanage -t LTER_Storminess.ipynb 
Testing Quick Look thumbnails with files:
2022-02-12 10:36:25.187 qlmanage[45324:6583915] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x9003, name = 'com.apple.tsm.portname'
See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.

any ideas?

tuxu commented 2 years ago

Weird. I got the same error messages from the command line (also with -p for preview).

Can you try with nbviewer-app (brew install jupyter-notebook-viewer) instead? It bundles the Quick Look generator and works out of the box for me on Monterey 12.2. Opening the app once should register the plug-in with Quick Look.

moffat commented 2 years ago

I actually solved this by following the instructions in this stack exchange answer. The error above isn't what's making the plugin fail. Once I added the right kMDItemContentType to the Info.plist of your plugin, it works fine.

Thank you for your work!