tuxuser / abfallapi_jumomind_ha

Abfall API (Jumomind) custom component for home assistant - Get an alert when garbage collection is due
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

Add Detmold as Service #6

Closed Gambrius closed 1 year ago

Gambrius commented 1 year ago


I love your tool, but we moved from a supported city to Detmold. Could you add the Detmold data to this service?

You can find the information here: https://abfuhrkalender.detmold.de/index.php

They have a download for an .ics file handled through a php url: https://abfuhrkalender.detmold.de/icsmaker.php?strid=821&year=2022

The "strid" is the "Street id" "year" can be either this or the upcoming year.

Thank you for your support.

tuxuser commented 1 year ago

Hey, sorry, this is out of scope for this project.

This plugin specifically targets cities that use the jumomind API (jumomind.com/mmapp/api.php?r=cities&city_id=&area_id=)

Best would be to ask in the home assistant forum, if such a plugin exists.
