tuya / tuya-home-assistant

Home Assistant integration for controlling Powered by Tuya (PBT) devices using Tuya Open API, maintained by the Home Assistant Community and Tuya Developer Team.
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New Device: Yinmik YK-S03 Pool Water Monitoring #942

Open rgb2017 opened 1 year ago

rgb2017 commented 1 year ago

Add New Device for Pool Water Monitoring

Device normal info

Device info (please complete the following information, which can be found in log):

  "active_time": 1690842043,
  "biz_type": 0,
  "category": "szjcy",
  "create_time": 1690842043,
  "icon": "smart/icon/bay164497620449560Pe/da2eba523a531957e6e80143882211d3.jpg",
  "id": "ebd902b46a15dd22c3uvrj",
  "ip": "***",
  "lat": "***",
  "local_key": "***",
  "lon": "***",
  "model": "YK-S03",
  "name": "YK-S03",
  "node_id": "e0798dfffeb818f6",
  "online": true,
  "owner_id": "163996618",
  "product_id": "d9mzkhoq",
  "product_name": "YK-S03",
  "status": [
      "code": "tds_in",
      "value": 0
      "code": "temp_current",
      "value": 341
      "code": "battery_percentage",
      "value": 91
      "code": "ph",
      "value": 73
      "code": "conductivity_value",
      "value": 6060
      "code": "orp_value",
      "value": 143
      "code": "cl_value",
      "value": 0
      "code": "ph_buffer",
      "value": "EUStandard"
      "code": "backlight",
      "value": false
      "code": "backlight_value",
      "value": 1
      "code": "phmaxlimit",
      "value": 0
      "code": "phminlimit",
      "value": 0
      "code": "ecmaxlimit",
      "value": 20000
      "code": "ecminlimit",
      "value": 0
      "code": "orpmaxlimit",
      "value": 999
      "code": "orpminlimit",
      "value": 0
      "code": "clmaxlimit",
      "value": 40
      "code": "clminlimit",
      "value": 0
      "code": "phcal",
      "value": 170
      "code": "eccal",
      "value": 170
      "code": "orpcal",
      "value": 170
      "code": "salttds_value",
      "value": 3060
  "sub": true,
  "time_zone": "-07:00",
  "uid": "***",
  "update_time": 1690848375,
  "uuid": "e0798dfffeb818f6"

Device specifications (please complete the following information, which can be found in log):

2023-07-31 21:41:15.154 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [tuya_iot] Request: method = GET, url = https://openapi.tuyaus.com/v1.0/devices/ebd902b46a15dd22c3uvrj/specifications, params = None, body = None, t = 1690864875154 2023-07-31 21:41:15.193 DEBUG (Thread-15 (_thread_main)) [tuya_iot] _on_log: Received CONNACK (0, 0) 2023-07-31 21:41:15.194 DEBUG (Thread-15 (_thread_main)) [tuya_iot] connect flags->{'session present': 0}, rc->0 2023-07-31 21:41:15.195 DEBUG (Thread-15 (_thread_main)) [tuya_iot] _on_log: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m1) [(b'cloud/token/in/6d638592b4f8fb0d288f27183ab89096', 0)] 2023-07-31 21:41:15.242 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [tuya_iot] Response: { "result": { "category": "szjcy", "functions": [ { "code": "ph_buffer", "type": "Enum", "values": "{\"range\":[\"AsiaStandard\",\"EUStandard\"]}" }, { "code": "backlight", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "backlight_value", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":16777216,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "phmaxlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":140,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "phminlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":140,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "ecmaxlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"uS/cm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":20000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "ecminlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"uS/cm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":20000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "orpmaxlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mV\",\"min\":-1200,\"max\":1200,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "orpminlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mV\",\"min\":-1200,\"max\":1200,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "clmaxlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mg/L\",\"min\":0,\"max\":40,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "clminlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mg/L\",\"min\":0,\"max\":40,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "phcal", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1400,\"scale\":2,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "eccal", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"us/cm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":20000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "orpcal", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mV\",\"min\":-1200,\"max\":1200,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" } ], "status": [ { "code": "tds_in", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"ppm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":10000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "temp_current", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "battery_percentage", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"%\",\"min\":0,\"max\":100,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "ph", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":140,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "conductivity_value", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"uS/cm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":20000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "orp_value", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mV\",\"min\":-1200,\"max\":1200,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "cl_value", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"mg/L\",\"min\":-1,\"max\":40,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "ph_buffer", "type": "Enum", "values": "{\"range\":[\"AsiaStandard\",\"EUStandard\"]}" }, { "code": "backlight", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "backlight_value", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":16777216,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "phmaxlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":140,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "phminlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":0,\"max\":140,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "ecmaxlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"uS/cm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":20000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { "code": "ecminlimit", "type": "Integer", "values": "{\"unit\":\"uS/cm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":20000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}" }, { 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true, "t": 1690864874387, "tid": "a5809ecd302511ee8c70fe98ebe72f12" }

peskyAdmin commented 6 months ago
cryogenx commented 5 months ago

just got one of there would love to have it in HA

sikysikov commented 5 months ago

You can do that using Local Tuya...

cryogenx commented 5 months ago

You can do that using Local Tuya...

Could you elaborate? I tried Tuya Local and while it did recognize it i couldn't get it to bring it in to HA

sikysikov commented 5 months ago

See solution here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/pool-monitoring-device-yieryi-ble-yl01-zigbee-ph-orp-free-chlorine-salinity-etc/659545/18?u=sikita

lauer commented 5 months ago

I have added it with the same config as the BLE-YL01, and it works OK. However, it seems the Salinity and TDL is the same value.

Also, I don't know if it really on purpose, but it set to only fetch value every 10min. I guess that is also fine for a battery devise. But it seems in the logs, that it sending the same values multiple times within same secounds.