tuya / tuya-homebridge

Homebridge custom plugin for controlling Powered by Tuya (PBT) devices in HomeKit. This plugin is officially maintained by the Tuya Developer Team.
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Qlima indoor dehumidifier not showing up as accessoires in Homebridge #322

Closed SterkeYerke closed 1 year ago

SterkeYerke commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug Qlima indoor dehumidifier not showing up as accessoires in Homebridge.

Expected behavior Showing accessoires for humidity and ond/of switch in Homebridge .

Screenshots This is a screenshot of the Homebridge logging. This shows the Tuya project etc are created succesfully and the the the plugin is notified of the existing device

TuyaOpenMQ onMessage: topic = cloud/token/in/1e8ce1f38805471f5cc5e882e51d6c68, message = {"data":{"dataId":"d0866502-736a-4b21-ab9a-8a9a3acec18e","devId":"035755003c6105c5c259","productKey":"YDvSMhQz8HsphjrJ","status":[{"3":68,"code":"humidity_indoor","t":"1668532728","value":68}]},"protocol":4,"pv":"2.0","sign":"66d02e03a435acd9f2d11c022559b08f","t":1668532728} TuyaOpenAPI request: method = post, endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com, path = /v1.0/iot-01/associated-users/actions/authorized-login, params = null, body = {"country_code":31,"username":"henk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.nl","password":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","schema":"tuyaSmart"}, headers = {"t":"1668532760249","client_id":"psnfy5tpb620a6810lxy","nonce":"bf5f2680-5fa5-11ed-a6b9-e760f9efc003","Signature-Headers":"client_id","sign":"796349CDBBC8F296E9DC385B9FD6A64870C7025194325C63751C3D9D7B90CE7E","sign_method":"HMAC-SHA256","access_token":"","lang":"en","dev_lang":"javascript","dev_channel":"homebridge","devVersion":"1.5.0"} TuyaOpenAPI response: {"result":{"access_token":"d57c4a1a595c94708fc86c47d95e0ad0","expire_time":7200,"platform_url":"https://openapi.tuyaeu.com","refresh_token":"6d6bce457e4725d8227e3174e17cb2f4","uid":"eu1637863778250od4ob"},"success":true,"t":1668532760437,"tid":"a446f814650911ed81e28ec426404b74"} path = /v1.0/iot-01/associated-users/actions/authorized-login TuyaOpenAPI request: method = post, endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com, path = /v1.0/iot-03/open-hub/access-config, params = null, body = {"uid":"eu1637863778250od4ob","link_id":"bf7594b0-5fa5-11ed-a6b9-e760f9efc003","link_type":"mqtt","topics":"device","msg_encrypted_version":"1.0"}, headers = {"t":"1668532760450","client_id":"psnfy5tpb620a6810lxy","nonce":"bf5f2680-5fa5-11ed-a6b9-e760f9efc003","Signature-Headers":"client_id","sign":"3CDBC5A8A6E2B5CCE096C825AD80C044AB609661F3346BC2C7AD6C5165F7EF7E","sign_method":"HMAC-SHA256","access_token":"d57c4a1a595c94708fc86c47d95e0ad0","lang":"en","dev_lang":"javascript","dev_channel":"homebridge","devVersion":"1.5.0"} TuyaOpenAPI response: {"result":{"client_id":"cloud_a57c3def95fb71979be072e7e2b54bb4","expire_time":7200,"password":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","sink_topic":{"device":"cloud/token/out/{device_id}"},"source_topic":{"device":"cloud/token/in/1e8ce1f38805471f5cc5e882e51d6c68"},"url":"ssl://m1.tuyaeu.com:8883","username":"cloud_1e8ce1f38805471f5cc5e882e51d6c68"},"success":true,"t":1668532760573,"tid":"a460963d650911ed805432ed7f2eb8a3"} path = /v1.0/iot-03/open-hub/access-config TuyaOpenMQ connecting: ssl://m1.tuyaeu.com:8883 TuyaOpenMQ end TuyaOpenMQ connected

**Device info (please complete the following information, which can be found in [log](https://github.com/tuya/tuya- "product_id":"035755003c6105c5c259","productKey":"YDvSMhQz8HsphjrJ"

Additional context I tried Home assistent. This plugin is working fine. Why would it nog work in Homebridge? I tried IfTTT with IfTTT plugin in Homebridge. I had to create two scenes. One for switching of and one for switching on the device. This works as well.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback, we will solve this issue soon

0x5e commented 1 year ago

Dehumidifier is not supported yet. If you could try the fork version and provide your device info json, I will support it in the next minor version. https://github.com/0x5e/homebridge-tuya-platform#troubleshooting

SterkeYerke commented 1 year ago


I've installed the fork. Please find below the contents of homebridge/persist/TuyaDeviceList.xx

[ { "active_time": 1637878830, "biz_type": 0, "category": "cs", "create_time": 1637864159, "icon": "smart/product_icon/cs.png", "id": "035755003c6105c5c259", "ip": "xx.xx.xx.xxx", "lat": "xx.xxxx", "local_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lon": "x.xxxxx", "model": "D008A.02.012.001", "name": "Ontvochtiger badkamer", "online": true, "owner_id": "42870528", "product_id": "YDvSMhQz8HsphjrJ", "product_name": "DEHUMIDIFIER", "status": [ { "code": "switch", "value": false }, { "code": "humidity_indoor", "value": 79 }, { "code": "dehumidify_set_value", "value": 50 }, { "code": "fan_speed_enum", "value": "high" }, { "code": "child_lock", "value": false }, { "code": "swing", "value": true }, { "code": "temp_indoor", "value": 21 } ], "sub": false, "time_zone": "+01:00", "uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "update_time": 1640727723, "uuid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "schema": [ { "code": "temp_indoor", "mode": "ro", "type": "Integer", "property": { "unit": "℃", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, { "code": "swing", "mode": "rw", "type": "Boolean", "property": {} }, { "code": "child_lock", "mode": "rw", "type": "Boolean", "property": {} }, { "code": "fan_speed_enum", "mode": "rw", "type": "Enum", "property": { "range": [ "low", "high" ] } }, { "code": "dehumidify_set_value", "mode": "rw", "type": "Integer", "property": { "unit": "%", "min": 35, "max": 80, "scale": 0, "step": 5 } }, { "code": "humidity_indoor", "mode": "ro", "type": "Integer", "property": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, { "code": "switch", "mode": "rw", "type": "Boolean", "property": {} } ] }

0x5e commented 1 year ago

@SterkeYerke Thanks for the information. I will update when I'm free.

SterkeYerke commented 1 year ago

@0x5e I've seen 2 updates on this fork. One helped me a little bit because it now supports scenes. I've created 2 scenes in my Tuya app. One to switch te dehumidifier off, one to turn it on. It works, but it's far from ideal, because it is stateless, I can't see if the device is actually on or off. Are you going to include native support for the dehumidifier? Thanks in advance.

0x5e commented 1 year ago

I will native support the dehumidifier because it has the exactly related accessory in the homekit. Sorry for the late, there's too much categories need to be supported, and a big change for device overriding configs, I will support dehumidifier these days, maybe this weekend.

0x5e commented 1 year ago

@SterkeYerke please try 1.7.0-beta.4.

SterkeYerke commented 1 year ago

@SterkeYerke please try 1.7.0-beta.4.

@0x5e : Thank you very much. It works. Ik can switch the device on and off and I can set the desired humidity. Actual temperature is also shown. Any change you can add the other properties like actual humidity, swivel, fan speed and timer? Would be very nice, but I'm really happy with what we have now.

0x5e commented 1 year ago

@SterkeYerke The humidity, fan speed, swing, child lock is in the dehumidifier's setting page. The timer I haven't decided how to support this, because homekit don't have timepicker.

SterkeYerke commented 1 year ago

@SterkeYerke The humidity, fan speed, swing, child lock is in the dehumidifier's setting page. The timer I haven't decided how to support this, because homekit don't have timepicker.

Schermafbeelding 2022-12-10 om 17 17 43 Schermafbeelding 2022-12-10 om 17 18 09

@0x5e Either something is going wrong, or I'm doing something wrong, but I can only see 2 child accessories, 1 for temperature and 1 for on/off. I've included 2 screen prints. They are in dutch, but I think it speaks for it self.

0x5e commented 1 year ago

It's in the dehumidifier subaccessory's setting page, not accessory's setting page. I want to move it out but didn't find a way.

SterkeYerke commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I found it. Would be nice if you could move them out to the accessory's setting page.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Stale issue. we will close the issue soon. If this issue has not been resolved, please update the issue and contact us in time.