tv2 / sisyfos-audio-controller

Intelligent Audio for Automation systems
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Sis 28/split build system into server and client #233

Closed KvelaGorrrrnio closed 2 years ago

KvelaGorrrrnio commented 2 years ago

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Sisyfos refactor changes

The motivation was to separate the server and client dependencies from each other. In the process the electron build process was refactored as well. The most noteworthy changes are:

Package.JSON scripts

Script name Action
start Execute build code in production env.
start:dev Execute build code in development env.
start:local Execute build code in local env.
build Build both client and server code.
build:client Build only client code.
build:server Build only server code.
build:desktop Build electron application for windows.
watch Watch for changes in both client and server code.
watch:client Watch for changes in client code.
watch:server Watch for changes in client code.
test Run tests for client and server sequentially.
test:client Run tests for client.
test:server Run tests for server.
lint Run prettier and apply changes.
validate Validates dependencies and licenses
validate:dependencies Validate dependencies.
validate:license Validate licenses.
clean Removes dist and release folders.
reset Remove dist and node_modules folders.