tvdstaaij / telegram-history-dump

Backup Telegram chat logs using telegram-cli
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Thank you! #17

Open hay opened 8 years ago

hay commented 8 years ago

This is not really an issue, but a compliment! Your script worked flawless on my system, and i got all my precious chat messages. Thank you so much! As a thank-you gift i wrote a little Python script that converts from the JSONL format to CSV for easier viewing.

tvdstaaij commented 8 years ago

I'm glad you find it useful! And getting an issue that is not really an issue and not a support request camouflaged as an issue either is a first for me, heh.

There is an actual serious issue at the moment though: because telegram-cli suddenly changed their message ID format to some mysterious hex string that is not chronological, incremental backup (track_progress option, enabled by default) is broken with recent master builds of telegram-cli (see #15). So if you plan on keeping your history dump up-to-date I recommend waiting until I land a fix, or disabling track_progress to force a full redump every time. And of course, always backup the dump ;)

By the way, I also hacked a Telegram group chat statistics generator together based on this, a bunch of helper scripts and good old PISG. I would kind of like to showcase it and encourage people to create similar setups; I'd imagine there are more people interested in Telegram chat statistics. But I haven't yet found a good way to do so; it's a bit complicated considered that the generated stats contain private details, the thing runs from my home server and it partially relies on personalized / situation-specific code.

Oh, and I remember following the comments on your blog post about backing up Telegram messages for a while before I concluded that none of the methods/scripts were good enough and I should just roll my own -- and eventually rewrote it from scratch because the thing I wrote wasn't good enough either. :)

pyed commented 8 years ago

I came here to say Thank you too, works like charm, cheers

vladh commented 8 years ago

Me too! This script worked superbly and I was able to back up some chats that were important to me. Thank you!

mathcolo commented 8 years ago

Thanks from me too @tvdstaaij, this is absolutely so appreciated. Nothing else is as robust as telegram-history-dump, yet easy to use!!!! 👍 💯

Mugen1991 commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much!!! My gf deleted our conversation by accident. I could do a backup with ease using your tool.

bikhial commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much and keep going 💯 🥇