tvdstaaij / telegram-history-dump

Backup Telegram chat logs using telegram-cli
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Possible temporary ban for using this tool #39

Open Leyous opened 8 years ago

Leyous commented 8 years ago

Do you know if it is possible to be temporary banned for using this tool? I have chats going for 2/3 years with 4000 shared medias and this tool could take several hours to do the job.

I wrote to a member of the support that says "i think using this tool is not "normal usage of telegram" so could be some temporal limitations like a temporary ban".

But i know that he had no idea how the tool works and i think that there's nothing to be worried about. What do you think?

tvdstaaij commented 8 years ago

I have not personally experienced any kind of service ban as far as I know. Although I should also mention that I generally don't have media downloads enabled.

Telegram does seem to block history requests that try to fetch too many messages at the same time, or too many messages in rapid succession. This is why the chunk_size and chunk_delay configuration parameters exist and default to only 100 messages per second.

Leyous commented 8 years ago

Yeah i think this two parameters are "the key" for not being banned. I think that if i raise the chunk_delay and decrease the chunk_size will be nothing to worrie. It will just take some more time to back all the things up.

Thank you so mush for your reply and sorry for my bad english.