tvelden / communities

Network analysis of scientific community structures
3 stars 3 forks source link creates unused directories #14

Closed SkotBotCambo closed 12 years ago

SkotBotCambo commented 12 years ago

Hi Ishtiaque, This is certainly not a big deal, but I noticed that is creating a directory under statistics/ that looks like statistics/field1run1sliding_1991-2010_5years/, but then actually writing the pajek files to the statistics/sliding_1991-2010_5years . Theresa and I talked about it and we agree that the sliding_1991-2010_5years naming convention is better for directories since the path itself and the files that it contains will give clues as to which field and run this directory concerns. So when you get a chance, if you could go through there and figure out how to keep it from making that extra/empty folder, that would be great.

sa738 commented 12 years ago

This issue is solved.