tvgrabbers / tvgrabnlpy

Deze versie is deprecated zie: tvgrabpyAPI
GNU General Public License v2.0
27 stars 8 forks source link source not working #47

Closed kyl416 closed 8 years ago

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

I'm getting no data with the recently added source.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Have you (with the first beta) recreated your config or ran it with --configure. Else the new chanids won't be in your config. Check that the channel lines contain 13 tags. Name, group, chanid, 8 sourceids and the icon sourceid and name. The last sourceid is for

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

Yes I reran configure, but when I download I get errors like "No data on for day=0" "No data on for day=1" "No data on for day=2" "No data on for day=3" "No data on for day=4" "No Data from for channel: Sky Radio" "No Data from for channel: Radio 538" "No Data from for channel: NPO 1" "0 base page(s) fetched from" "5 failure(s) on"

And for channels that are only available from the vpro source have no listings in the final output

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Weird, I just now see it coming in. Try in your browser: That's the link for today. For other days it is: up to five days or so. Do you perchance have a not dutch IP address?

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

I just did another run, this time I got more days.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

OK, keep me informed. I'm off now, I check in later today. If you get it running I can advise you to set your preferred description to this source, they are good! I'm at present busy extracting all the extra data from there.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Se the latest probably final beta:

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

It's weird, on one try I got some pages from data, but the next try it's just failures. I see similar things with where some pages fail:

3 base page(s) fetched from 4 failure(s) on 0 base page(s) fetched from 5 failure(s) on

Any chance there's a cookie warning problem?

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Does the log say anything about why it fails, other then no data? I also get 1 or 2 failures on every run, but that is normally corrected by redundancy (all failures are tried a second time on a second run). It could be that the path through your provider to them is not so good. So then you would see time-outs. It anyhow is logical that and share the problem as I assume they are hosted in the same place! I test through ziggo and collect through kpn and they normally both work OK. I just did a ping test. is blocking it, gives around 10,3 ms through ziggo and around 18,2 ms through kpn, 10 is normal, 18 is quite high..

Around line 433 in the script there is a line: self.global_timeout = 10. You can try raising it to 15 or even 20.

Do you see problems accessing the earlier mentioned pages in a normal browser?

I now suddenly realize I didn't add the redundancy to I'll add it.

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

I didn't have any problems accessing the pages through a browser. Right now it's in the weird overnight hours where NPO's gids are incomplete, so I'll try again in a few hours

The log doesn't show anything besides multiple entries for each day saying "No data on"

Looking at the ping/traceroute results, is using cloudvps as a host while is self hosted.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Yes I saw and what is your ping time?

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Oh and while some sources are unpredictable between 12 and 4+, with npo and vpro I only saw a very short time of bad accessibility just after midnight..

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

Mine is about 100ms for, although I'm in the USA, so a ping like that is normal for a server located across the Atlantic. I use to get listings for the channels that do online streaming like BVN, the regional omroep's and radio stations.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

I earlier was thinking about geoblocking being the cause, but you say you can access the pages? I however know that npo does practice it. You should first try raising the timeout as your access time is ten times mine. Else you can, if you can arrange that, try working through a Europe based proxy. That would defeat any geoblocking.

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

NPO's guides and websites load fine via a browser here too. The only geoblocking is with some of the livestreams.

Any chance you can add a configurable option to increase the timeout? It would be a lot easier than needing to patch the file each time a new update comes out.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

I might, but not right now. I never did because you rarely need to fiddle with it. As long as you make sure it is saved in utf-8 and with unix linebreaks ... Wich only is a problem in a simple Windows editor. If in Windows use notepad+ In Linux any text editor will do.

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

The default 10 seconds timeout should be fine even with a 100ms ping, I haven't seen any timeout errors in the log. The pages load quickly, it's not like some really poor sites where pages fail to load or quit halfway through.

I wonder though, you have IE6 as the user agent, there's several sites that now render differently when they see that user agent. Maybe it's time to bump that up to IE11 with windows 7?

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Could be that hasn't changed in 5 years. But that doesn't explain why only you see this problem. And the only really different thing is you being outside Europe. I know Belgium or Germany don't give problems. And the two things different because of that is your US ip-address and the access time.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Or maybe any blacklisting problem with your provider???

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

As a test I just switched my browser's user-agent to IE6, I got a bunch of errors and VPRO's epg takes a lot longer to load. I do see a lot of "if lt" code on their site that checks for anything older than IE9

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Oh and as I said I do get some 5 or 10% failures on especially on some more busy hours. So the time-out is simple and easy to try. I also finished adding the retry cycle. Another small thing and I'll post it.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

Ok, I'll look at it!

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

It though will take a little longer, as it's one of the few parts of the program I haven't really toughed, since I took over in January.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

I'm thinking, maybe this does slowdown so much, that with your access-time the time-out gets reached. So until I change this, maybe raising the time-out temporarily solves the problem.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

OK with some updated user agent strings and some other refinements. I haven't tested it jet, so for now only as tag:

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

This time 0 NPO failures, while worked on the retry

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

While I do not hear anything anymore I assume it now works!

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

Yes, it's working now, thanks