tvgrabbers / tvgrabnlpy

Deze versie is deprecated zie: tvgrabpyAPI
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Unable to run recent versions of the grabber on Ubuntu 12.04 #55

Closed JanCeuleers closed 8 years ago

JanCeuleers commented 8 years ago

The version of Python 2.7 that comes with Ubuntu 12.04 is 2.7.6, which is older than the 2.7.9 version that is now the minimum. I have installed Python 3 from the Ubuntu repository (which is version 3.2), and if I run the grabber using it, the following error occurs: File "tv_grab_nl_py.github/", line 362 self.patchdate = u'20160116' ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Which is weird; why wouldn't a recent Python know about Unicode string literals? (Note that in a non-proportional font the arrow points at the closing single quote).

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

It's a weird error I can not explain. But the program is only very limited and already some time ago tested with Python 3. You forget the other message you got "tv_grab_nl_py does not yet support Pyton 3 or higher. Expect errors while we proceed", Also 3.2 is really old! I suggest installing Python 2.7.9 or 2.7.10. Especially 2.7.9 is in large part backported functionality from the Python 3 branch.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

I did a quick test with Python 3 and there are several for that branch syntax errors!

JanCeuleers commented 8 years ago

I installed Python 2.7.11 in /usr/local/bin (i.e. keeping the stock version untouched) in order to avoid any fallout, and the grabber does indeed work fine now. As you can tell I'm weary of fallout; there is a reason why I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I will migrate to 16.04 when its first point release is out and want to use the stock versions of everything to the extent possible. Anyway thanks for your reply; I think I'm good with this workaround for now.