tvgrabbers / tvgrabnlpy

Deze versie is deprecated zie: tvgrabpyAPI
GNU General Public License v2.0
27 stars 8 forks source link source not working #57

Closed kyl416 closed 8 years ago

kyl416 commented 8 years ago

For the past few days hasn't been working, my log shows the following error:

Error extracting ElementTree for day:0 on
hikavdh commented 8 years ago

I'll see what changed on the site

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

I don't understand. The error is: "not well-formed (invalid token): line 4165, column 4" But when I look at the location it points to, I don't see anything. For instance it points to the data-read-more-url attribute in:

<li class="epg-program g3011   "
    data-start-time-string="Dinsdag 13:55"
    data-channel="Nederland 3  emprsant  Zapp"
    style="left: 3325px; width: 105px;"
    data-description="Kinderprogramma uit 2016. Afl.: Slim. Tommie is de sterkste man van de wereld. Hij kan alles optillen... nou ja, bijna alles..."

While earlier in the same page:

<li class="epg-program g3016  gvpro "
    data-start-time-string="Dinsdag 09:15"
    data-channel="Nederland 2"
    style="left: 1365px; width: 245px;"
    data-title="Zondag met Lubach"
    data-description="Talkshow uit 2016. Satirische latenightshow, 'zo goed als nieuws'. Zeven dagen nieuws in dertig minuten, geremixt door Arjen Lubach. Met irrelevante verhalen van relevante gasten of andersom, vol platte inhoud en diepgravende grappen. Vanuit theater Bellevue in Amsterdam: brekend regionaal wereldnieuws. 'Zo goed als nieuws'. Zeven dagen nieuws in dertig minuten, satirisch geremixt door Arjen Lubach. Met irrelevante verhalen van relevante gasten of andersom, vol platte inhoud en diepgravende grappen. Presentatie: Arjen Lubach."

is OK Maybe it's the empty attribute data-playable that does not show up earlier on the page. I'll try a re.sub to add = "" behind it.

hikavdh commented 8 years ago

That was it. They also changed the time location. I pushed a beta