tvondra / tdigest

PostgreSQL extension for estimating percentiles using t-digest
PostgreSQL License
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Storage specification needed, similar to postgres-hll #23

Open bjhartin opened 2 years ago

bjhartin commented 2 years ago

Use Case

I'd like to aggregate using a tdigest library within the app, publish once per minute to a tdigest table, then aggregate across instances/intervals via SQL. This works very well with postgres-hll+java-hll, because there is a shared storage specification, i.e. I can serialize the java sketches to the DB.


Publish the details of how you store the TDigest sketch so that language-specific implementations can serialize to it and thus have aggregation 'all the way down', eliminating the need for a table that holds large numbers of individual values.

tvondra commented 2 years ago

Hi @bjhartin, by specification you mean just a description / documentation of the storage format? That shouldn't be hard, as it essentially requires describing tdigest_t and centroid_t structures, and tdigest_serial / tdigest_deserial functions. The format is pretty simple, really.

The only issue I can think of is endinanness, which is not fixed and depends on the architecture. So far the stored data is only ever exchanged through in/out or send/receive functions, which do the conversions, not directly. But allowing exchanging in the storage format would require that.

jachinte commented 2 years ago

@tvondra Could you please describe what would the tdigest table look like? I don't understand how I can store a tdigest in the database if I compute it in my application.

This is the dictionary I get from the t-digest Python library:

{"n": 100000, "delta": 0.01, "K": 25, "centroids": [{"m": 1.0, "c": 17.0}, {"m": 2.0, "c": 8.0}, {"m": 3.0, "c": 4.0}, ...]}

Would it be enough if I create a table called "centroids" with fields "m" and "c"? How can I instantiate a tdigest in one of my SQL queries?

Thank you