Closed arjunbmalibu closed 5 years ago
Please file an issue on and attach this output.
SublimeGrunt: JSON is malformed
Could not expose gruntfile
module.exports = function (grunt) { setupGruntTime(grunt); var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'); var path = require('path'); console.log(process.cwd()); var sourceDir = 'deploy/htdocs/version/src/'; var appDir = 'phonegap/'; var buildDir = 'build/'; var buildVersionDir = 'build/deploy/htdocs/version/src/'; var gruntDir = path.normalize(process.cwd() + '/'); var typingsDir = path.normalize(process.cwd() + '../../../deploy/htdocs/version/src/inc/script/def/'); var version = pkg.appversion; var appName = pkg.appname; var exportSourceMaps = true; var base = '../../'; grunt.config('version', version); grunt.config('sourceDir', sourceDir); grunt.config('base', base); require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, { //auto grunt.initConfig init: true, //data passed into config. Can use with <%= test %> data: { sourceDir: sourceDir, buildDir: buildDir, buildVersionDir: buildVersionDir, gruntDir: gruntDir, typingsDir: typingsDir, appDir: appDir, version: version, appName: appName, exportSourceMaps: exportSourceMaps, serverProjectPrefix: ' ', awsBucket: ' ', awsAccessKey: ' ', awsAccessSecret: ' ', webServers: [ { host: ' ', user: ' ', key: ' ' }, { host: ' ', user: ' ', key: ' ' } ] }, // auto-loads tasks when needed, instead of by default jitGrunt: { // here you can pass options to jit-grunt (or just jitGrunt: true) customTasksDir: 'tasks', pluginsRoot: 'tools/build/node_modules', staticMappings: { availabletasks: 'grunt-available-tasks', scsslint: 'grunt-scss-lint' } } }); // change base so tasks don't have to '../' grunt.file.setBase(base); }; function setupGruntTime(grunt) { if (process.argv.length > 2 && !(grunt.option('q') || grunt.option('quiet'))) { require('time-grunt')(grunt); } }
Hello @tvooo,
Would you have any recommendations?
Thank you, Arjun Bery
Repository was moved to Please re-file any issues that still exist.
Please file an issue on and attach this output.
SublimeGrunt: JSON is malformed
Could not expose gruntfile