tvooo / sublime-grunt

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SublimeGrunt: JSON is malformed #88

Closed int-np435 closed 5 years ago

int-np435 commented 9 years ago

I have a grunt project created by yeoman that works perfectly from the terminal (osx 10.8.5 here), but doesn't from sublime text 2. Apart from the error above there is nothing more than "Could not expose grunt file" and "no command for selector: noop:" in the sublime CLI.

Additional information: I'm behind corporate proxy and can't get package control to work properly. So I tried to install sublime-grunt by hand. Can't say if I succeeded with that thought ...

tvooo commented 9 years ago

I think it is installed correctly, there is not much to do wrong :)

This "JSON is malformed" error appears for different reasons, one of them being that grunt fails to run for some reason (i.e. there is an error in your Gruntfile). But you said it works fine from CLI. Is there any line/file info for the "no command for selector: noop:"? I don't recognize this one.

kstubs commented 9 years ago

I'm also experiencing this error. Is there other troubleshooting steps? I am trying to compile summernote.

neeln4j commented 9 years ago

I also had this error but , i get resolved after reinstalling my nodejs and node_modules.

tvooo commented 5 years ago

Repository was moved to Please re-file any issues that still exist.