tvraman / emacspeak

Emacspeak --- The Complete Audio Desktop
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In absence of DTK_PROGRAM Emacs shortcuts are broken and no indication of the problem #95

Closed Hi-Angel closed 9 months ago

Hi-Angel commented 9 months ago

I'm just getting started with emacsspeak, and I spent quite some time that after building the project with make config && make and running a ./runq my Emacs movement is broken. For example, pressing backspace would not delete a character in a buffer or minibuffer, instead it gets ignored.

I turned out to be my bad of not having read further section about having to also build servers/native-espeak. However, I think having at least some error message in the minibuffer and *Messages* would help with debugging potential situation where for whatever reason the DTK_PROGRAM is not working.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build project with make config && make
  2. Make sure native-espeak is absent, in particular make clean -C servers/native-espeak
  3. Run unset DTK_PROGRAM; ./runq. At this point Emacs is not supposed to pronounce anything because DTK_PROGRAM is missing.
  4. Switch to *Messages* buffer and read its content


There's an error about DTK_PROGRAM not working


There's no error

tvraman commented 9 months ago

that is sadly not possible.


tvraman commented 9 months ago

RTFM is a pre-req