We should allow for Waltti Raportointi and Waltti RTPI to be disconnected from our MQTT brokers for a while without losing messages. We agreed that one week of backlog is enough.
This setting mqtt.subscription_ttl and is not available in CloudAMQP Terraform provider. Instead, CloudAMQP support responded with: "It's not possible to change the mqtt.subscription_ttl value programmatically. If you want to change the value we [CloudAMQP Support support@cloudamqp.com] can help you do the change in RabbitMQ configuration."
Send the emails with the right server names and ask support to change the mqtt.subscription_ttl values to one week (in whatever timevalue the documentation requires).
Inform Waltti Raportointi and Waltti RTPI when done.
Hey @pnupu, did you also email Waltti Raportointi and email Waltti RTPI people? They will be happy to hear the news. I'd add the same people in cc as in the previous email.
We should allow for Waltti Raportointi and Waltti RTPI to be disconnected from our MQTT brokers for a while without losing messages. We agreed that one week of backlog is enough.
This setting mqtt.subscription_ttl and is not available in CloudAMQP Terraform provider. Instead, CloudAMQP support responded with: "It's not possible to change the mqtt.subscription_ttl value programmatically. If you want to change the value we [CloudAMQP Support support@cloudamqp.com] can help you do the change in RabbitMQ configuration."
Send the emails with the right server names and ask support to change the mqtt.subscription_ttl values to one week (in whatever timevalue the documentation requires).
Inform Waltti Raportointi and Waltti RTPI when done.