Open dujuanxian opened 9 years ago
import java.lang.String; import java.lang.System; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.lang.Thread; public class Self { String name = "Du Juan"; String skype = "juanduxian"; String github = "dujuanxian"; public static void main(String[] args) { Self self = new Self(); self.introduceName(); self.introduceCareers(); self.introduceContacts(); } private void fancyPrint(String line) { for(char value: line.toCharArray()) { System.out.print(value); try{ Thread.sleep(50); }catch(InterruptedException ex) {} } System.out.println(); } private void introduceName() { this.fancyPrint("Hi, everone!"); this.fancyPrint("My name is " +; } private void introduceCareers() { Career backend = new Career(Role.BACKEND_DEV, "2012", Arrays.asList("Java")); this.fancyPrint(backend.getIntroduction()); Career frontend = new Career(Role.FRONTEND_DEV, "2014", Arrays.asList("Javascript")); this.fancyPrint(frontend.getIntroduction()); } private void introduceContacts() { this.fancyPrint("Find me here:"); this.fancyPrint("Skype: " +; this.fancyPrint("Github: " + this.github); } } class Career { private Role role; private String startDate; private List<String> languages; public Career(Role role, String startDate, List<String> languages) { this.role = role; this.startDate = startDate; this.languages = languages; } public String getIntroduction() { return "In " + this.startDate + ", " + "I started to be a " + this.role.getName() + " using " + String.join(", " , this.languages); } } enum Role { FRONTEND_DEV("Frontend Developer"), BACKEND_DEV("Backend Developer"); private String name; private Role(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return; } }
Hi, everone! My name is Du Juan In 2012, I started to be a Backend Developer using Java In 2014, I started to be a Frontend Developer using Javascript Find me here: Skype: juanduxian Github: dujuanxian