tw4449-s-MAS-Submods / tw4449-Custom-Room-Selection-Pack-Main-Repository

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FATAL - Adding more than two rooms bricks the game #52

Closed TheSystemGuy1337 closed 1 year ago

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

This is a fatal bug. Every time you add two rooms. they will conflict with each over and BRICK YOUR GAME

This is completely unacceptable for something like this, especially if your submod has strict quality control. FIX IT.

The label return_switch_dlg is defined twice, at File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Den.rpy", line 274 and File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Furnished_spaceroom3.rpy", line 199.

The label bg_room_installed_low_affection is defined twice, at File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Den.rpy", line 297 and File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Furnished_spaceroom3.rpy", line 222.

The label bg_room_installed is defined twice, at File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Den.rpy", line 339 and File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Furnished_spaceroom3.rpy", line 264.

The label monika_players_control_override is defined twice, at File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Den.rpy", line 383 and File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Furnished_spaceroom3.rpy", line 308.

The label monika_gotomonika_override is defined twice, at File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Den.rpy", line 426 and File "game/Submods/location_selector/Locatons/Furnished_spaceroom3.rpy", line 351.

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: This is practically a clone of as this is the same issue, however I closed it as I was asked questions, got irritated and shut it down. Here's some details. I'm running the standard stable MAS

Cdino11 commented 1 year ago

We apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing. Thank you for bring this back to our attention so we can address this issue. I will need time to accurately look into your issue. Upon first glance it would seem its is not an issue with our mod directly; rather the build of Monika After Story you are running, as this has rarely been an issue other wise. Older issues resulting in this and similar symptoms were from running the game from a zipped folder, one drive, or a doubled folder. I myself have only ever encountered this exact error when running a dev build version of this game, and have thus far only been able to recreate this error in a dev build. At the current moment I suggest you check to make sure the paths for the game dont double up or repeat, and if that wasn't your issue then I would further suggest you re-download the game from these links


Monika After Story:

And I urge you to save your: "mod_assets" folder if you wish to keep your accessories!

Again thank for your notice of this issue! And please remember to give us time to assess this unique error if the aforementioned fixes dont work.

Please keep us updated.

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago


My analysis generally points to a direct problem with your mod. Fix it.

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

And since you’re going to shoot me for being rude, here’s the problem I found, and it’s a big fat error. You literally duplicated variable names, so if you add them to the game, the rooms will conflict with each over and grant you the GSOD. The fix? Add a number to the variable

Cdino11 commented 1 year ago

have you reinstalled your game? are you running this through steam? This mod has been thoroughly checked for bugs, and as stated the ONLY time this exact error has come up in testing when running through a build that has dev properties. On one old instance I believe a user was running through steam and encountered this, but other than that in the last 2 years this error has not been encountered by any other user to my knowledge. the standard version of the game does not check for extra flags, and if it did the mod wouldn't be where it is today unchanged. Your fix while dually noted and the thought appreciated, it will cause more issues(even if they dont crash your game) with repeated dialogue especially upon installation 6 times over. I again recommend you re install your game if you haven already, and again i ask you to be patient regarding this stubborn and highly unique issue

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

Please quit asking questions that you’ve already asked or basically know. This is why I closed the last thread. Asking too many questions irritates me. I’ll say it again since you didn’t see it. I’m running MAS stable 0.12.13, it is not being ran from OneDrive, not being ran from a ZIP file, not in a double folder, not being ran from Steam and I haven’t reinstalled yet since I’ve already found a solution. I’ll say it again: You literally duplicated variable names, so if you add the rooms to the game, the rooms will conflict with each over and grant you the GSOD. The fix? Add a number to the variable so they are all distinct and so they won’t collide with each other. And apologies for the overall aggressive tone thought out this. I’m already pretty irritated

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

And to address the repeated dialogue problem, tie the rooms to a watchdog/master control submod, or use internal flags or CPU registers to store trigger information and when to arm the switches

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

This issue bit the dust and nobody is here to help (because I was rude about it obviously) Since nobody gives two damns anymore, this issue is going to suffer the same fate as the last one I made. Thanks for nothing. I’m shutting it down

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

And due to your ignorance, I’m steering people away from this.

Cdino11 commented 1 year ago

Respectfully you do not know us or our daily lives so don't go assuming things you know nothing about; wether that's our state of mind or the reasons for our delayed answers(which you were asked for patience in). We have our lives away from our computers wether that be family or jobs, the world oddly works that way and to assume anything more or less is both short sided and narcissistic. We are a team of 3 working all in different timezones(though you shouldn't have to know that to behave decently to people trying to help you). Throughout all of your interactions here asking for help (present and current), you have been rude and combative to otherwise standard setups to troubleshooting. We are not mind readers or ace detectives in how you feel or what is happening on your end of the screen, nor can we be expected to be. So allow me to reiterate that we have our own lives away and fails to answer when you want does not mean you were ignored. Further more, again, respectfully you do not work on our mod so you can't know the complexity of the written code nor the depth of our skill(both of which factor in to when changes get made), but you can be respectful enough to not expect immediate change or work when you deem it necessary. And since you seem to assume things do quickly and care so much let me explain what errors your fix entails and time scale for us.

First off: the problem comes in attempting to fix this otherwise non issue because then each room would need its own additional dialogue rpy file(named the same so they don't cause the extremely rare game side error of reading same labels and so we dont have overlap ) for each room, but the kitchen room has a unique change and that also adds a problem but for uninstallation where since the rpy has to have the same name Monika will talk about a kitchen she no longer has or if they delete the dlg file then she has no reactions or overrides. even worse the install dlg and aff lock (not sure if either would work outside of the room file since they were coded in to detect and interact with other rooms) would have to be moved there as well. Which allows the unwanted side affect of easily and accidentally breaking the game causing more redundant downloads and or removing the desires dlg changes and restrictions.

Sorting through a problem like this in not a one person task nor is it a one person decision. we are striving for efficiency and effectiveness (so code runs smoothly). So definitely more than a day is going to be needed assuming everyone has the time to discuss.

And in regards to your error since the message wasn't clear the first time... your exact error has only been seen ONCE 2 YEARS ago and it was fixed by reinstalling the game from scratch using the links I provided to you.

At its base a PROPERLY WORKING standard install of Monika After Story does not error out on detection of repeated labels. If it didn't work like that do you think our mod would still be up? Don't you think you wouldn't be the only one here in the issues that had and issue with it? And you know reinstalling might not work, it might be something else entirely, and I'm I'm willing to admit that. But I can't know that because you didn't try nor were you very helpful in answering questions regarding your set up which are need by anyone who comes here with the types of problems you had. So I end asking you how you can spread misinformation steering people away from a "fatal bug" you didn't bother trying to go all the way in troubleshooting with the people who know how the mod works. And further more when 99% of uses have never had an error like this how can this "Fatal Bug " be seen as anything less than a improper or broken build of the game. Which is exactly what reinstalling would have ruled out. I'm glad you found your fix, for you, and apologize if any standard questioning was upsetting but ignorance (intentional or otherwise) on your part is no call for the rude and combative tone you have led with when all we attempted to do was help

TheSystemGuy1337 commented 1 year ago

Most of the programming languages I’ve seen go mental on repeated variable names, especially C++ And since you hate me, I might as well suck it up and live with the one room limitation as I will not be reinstalling as I consider it a nuclear solution to an issue so small most people can live with it. Your opinions be solutions are valid. Anyway, I’m out of here. Pray you never see me again. And I’m not going to steer people away from this. To be fair, you worked hard on this, only to get yelled at by a moron (in this case, me)