twanda / vertical-agriculture

Verticalization of Odoo for farms and agroindustries
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Web based traceability report #51

Open dastcaboz opened 2 years ago

dastcaboz commented 2 years ago

Our client would like to trace online the following elements:

treviser commented 2 years ago

The following questions arise:

dastcaboz commented 2 years ago

The container itself is less important, more important is the export lot number. Each export lot consists of 385 bags with a theoretical weight of 65 kg each. The total theoretical weight of an export lot is 25'025 kg. One export lot fits into a 40 foot standard container.

Where is a lot identified? Possibility 1: Conventional or certified cocoa is delivered to the port in unidentified bush bags. These bags are opened, the cocoa mixed with cocoa from other bush bags, cleaned and dried in automated machines. After this process the cocoa is filled into export bags of theoretically 65 kg with the export bag numbver printed onto the bag. The 385 bags with the same export lot number are then grouped on palettes, put into a container and shipped.

Possibility 2: The cocoa delivered by pisteurs to our warehouses is cleaned and dried in our warehouses. We then fill it in our warehouses into export bags labeled with the export bag number. We then deliver these bags to the port. At the port, these bags are no more opened and cleaned but get sorted by export lot. It is possible that a truck delivering cocoa to the port is loaded with p.e. one entire export lot (385 bags of lot 1) and a part of another export lot (p.e. 200 bags of lot 2). The rest of lot 2 is delivered to the port with the next truck (185 bags of lot 2).

Wheights: Theory: 385 bags, each 65 kg = 25'025 kg Reality: There are always differences. What we sell is not the theoretical weight but the actual weight. The actual weight can change along the journey. P.e. the arrival weight at a european port is usually lower than the departed weight at the port of departure in Africa (due to humidity losses). The sales contract is either based on departed or arrival weight.

dastcaboz commented 2 years ago

Tracking: An export lot is usually sent in one container. But the identity of the lot must also remain preserved before and after the transport in a container. The container and the export lot is only the same during some segments of the delivery but not necessarily during the whole jouney (p.e. in the warehouse ate the departing port, in the warehouse of the customer, etc.)

treviser commented 2 years ago

@siddharth7815 Please read this carefully:

Do you have any idea how we could model this packaging process best?

treviser commented 2 years ago

@siddharth7815 maybe we define a container as a package?

dastcaboz commented 2 years ago

@ Siddharth: Could we discuss this issue on Skype?