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Wearable-Ovulation #3

Open twang15 opened 3 years ago

twang15 commented 3 years ago


Ava Fertility Tracker

Research Papers

  1. 2021-The Accuracy of Wrist Skin Temperature in Detecting Ovulation Compared to Basal Body Temperature: Prospective Comparative Diagnostic Accuracy Study
  2. 2020-Continuous Body Temperature Monitoring to Improve the Diagnosis of Female Infertility
  3. More
twang15 commented 3 years ago

Basal Body Temperature (BBT): the lowest temperature of the human body, the body's at-rest temperature

twang15 commented 2 years ago
  1. Egg detector <-> BBT <-> Wearables: ovulation

    • sensitivity
    • specificity
    • other metrics: Heart beat, age,
    • volunteer: number, characteristics, time, CRC
    • funding application, volunteer compensation, IRB, sample size, manager,
  2. Pre-study and proposal

    • Zou: pre-study
    • Zheng: kidney
    • Wang: computer science and statical modeling
  3. Next meeting: 10/16/2021, 10:00 PM, BJ

twang15 commented 2 years ago

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Modern fertility awareness methods: wrist wearables capture the changes in temperature associated with the menstrual cycle

twang15 commented 2 years ago



  1. 月经期就是指女性来月经的这段时间。这段时间由于妊娠没有发生,在脑垂体激素的调控下,卵巢中雌激素和孕激素的分泌量下降,子宫内膜供血小动脉发生痉挛收缩,然后破裂,子宫内膜缺血、坏死和脱落,于是就表现为月经来潮,这个时候女性的皮肤一般会变好。
  2. 月经期之后就是卵泡期了,卵泡期指的是卵泡发育并成熟的阶段,原始卵泡在发育过程中,经历初级卵泡、次级卵泡的不同发育阶段,最终成为成熟的卵泡。高水平的雌激素使子宫内膜的增生,有利于受精卵的着床。 一般历时8到10天。月经刚刚结束的时候。
  3. 排卵期: 排卵期指的是卵泡在黄体分泌高峰的作用下向卵巢表面移动,卵泡壁破裂,出现排卵孔,卵细胞与透明带、放射冠以及卵液排出,这种过程称为排卵。排出的卵细胞被输卵管伞捕捉送入输卵管中。排卵期一般为一周,排卵日只有一日。这段时间因为排卵,所以空了的卵泡就会立刻塌陷、出血、形成血体,然后其中的血液被吸收,形成有分泌作用的黄体。黄体就开始分泌孕激素了。
  4. 黄体期: 排卵之后人体便进入黄体期,残余的卵泡壁内陷,血液进入卵泡腔,凝固形成血体,随着血液被吸收,颗粒细胞与内膜细胞增殖黄体化,形成外观为黄色的黄体。若卵子受精成功,胚胎便分泌HCG使黄体继续发育成为妊娠黄体。排卵之后雌激素下降,但是因为黄体分泌得较多,所以这个时候孕激素也会比较多,能够使子宫内膜有丰富营养,进一步增厚,为妊娠提供稳定的场所。
twang15 commented 2 years ago


Memo, 10/30/2021 Zou, Wang, Zheng, Li

  1. Scientific methodology discussion (casual-effect, association/correlation, formal logic, athetic principle, etc)
  2. Project 1: Existing data for analysis
  3. Project 2: ovulation
    • Tao: contact wearables industry
    • Xin: think about experimental design; check out public database for temperature recording; check out Switzerland's paper for open datasets
  4. Next meeting: schedule in group chat
    • bi-weekly meeting at least 9:00 am EST