twang15 / K562-Analysis

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BPNet tutorial-3 #18

Open twang15 opened 2 years ago

twang15 commented 2 years ago

Understanding the model

  1. Code: machine learning
  2. Biological meanings
twang15 commented 2 years ago

What does if name == "main": do?

What is for?

  1. In the simplest case, can just be an empty file, but it can also execute initialization code for the package or set the all variable, described later.
  2. package, module, class, variable, function:
    • import
    • from xx import


Installation and Dependencies



Tutorial & Example

twang15 commented 2 years ago

wrapper for prediction

# set up the environment
source ~/conda_setup
conda activate basepairmodels

# prepare for one-hot encoding of target DNA sequence
pip install concise
conda install ipython