Open Thomcle opened 1 year ago
Same error occured with me, any solution ?
What I did was I cut the end of the audio from the initial duration and ratio. It's not really a problem
My fix for this problem is as follows. I added a single line.
def stretch_audio(
input_path: str,
output_path: str,
ratio: float = 1.0,
gap_ratio: float = 0.0,
upper_freq: int = 333,
lower_freq: int = 55,
buffer_ms: float = 25,
threshold_gap_db: float = -40,
double_range: bool = False,
fast_detection: bool = False,
normal_detection: bool = False,
sample_rate: int = 0,
"""Stretches the input audio file and saves the result to the output path.
input_path (str): The path to the input WAV or MP3 audio file.
output_path (str): The path to save the stretched WAV or MP3 audio file.
ratio (float, optional): The stretch ratio, where values greater than 1.0 will extend the audio and values less than 1.0 will shorten the audio. From 0.5 to 2.0, or with `-d` from 0.25 to 4.0. Default is 1.0 = no stretching.
gap_ratio (float, optional): The stretch ratio for gaps (silence) in the audio. Default is 0.0 = uses ratio.
upper_freq (int, optional): The upper frequency limit for period detection in Hz. Default is 333 Hz.
lower_freq (int, optional): The lower frequency limit. Default is 55 Hz.
buffer_ms (float, optional): The buffer size in milliseconds for processing the audio in chunks (useful with `-g`). Default is 25 ms.
threshold_gap_db (float, optional): The threshold level in dB to determine if a section of audio is considered a gap (for `-g`). Default is -40 dB.
double_range (bool, optional): If set, doubles the min/max range of stretching from 0.5-2.0 to 0.25-4.0.
fast_detection (bool, optional): If set, enables fast period detection, which may speed up processing but reduce the quality of the stretched audio.
normal_detection (bool, optional): If set, forces the algorithm to use normal period detection instead of fast period detection.
sample_rate (int, optional): The target sample rate for resampling the stretched audio in Hz (if installed with `[all]`). Default is 0 = use sample rate of the input audio.
audio_stretch = AudioStretch()
audio_stretch.samples = audio_stretch.samples[:int(audio_stretch.nframes * ratio)] # Fix
When I stretch an audio with a ratio different from 0.5 in the interval ]0; 1[ the audio size is indeed accelerated but the duration doesn't change. For example when do that in python:
stretch_audio("input.wav", "output.wav", ratio=0.7)
The output.wav file has the same duration as input.wav, but the beginning is correctly accelerated. There is a silence to fill it.
I plot a graph with the ratio on the x-axis (here there was a 0.1 difference between each calculation) and the time on the y-axis. You can see that there are steps and that the duration doesn't change for "special" values :