twbs / bootstrap

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
MIT License
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BS3.0.1 ship list #10050

Closed mdo closed 10 years ago

mdo commented 11 years ago

This issue will eventually turn into the 3.0.1 release notes. Until then it serves as an index of the key changes coming in our first patch release for v3.

Please, no comments here.


For a complete list of changes, see the 3.0.1 milestone.

mdo commented 10 years ago

layout: post

title: Bootstrap 3.0.1 released

Today we're shipping v3.0.1, a huge patch release with over 600 commits since v3 was released two months ago. We've outlined the key changes, including documentation updates, bug fixes, and even a few deprecations (our first in the history of the project).

Download Bootstrap 3.0.1 or hit the GitHub repository


to be listed

Moving to MIT license

We've been looking to move to the MIT license for quite some time, and today's release takes us that much closer. With v3.0.1, Bootstrap is dual-licensed as Apache 2 and MIT. The intent is to solely have MIT be our license in a future version (hopefully v3.1), but we need this transition period to do it right.

To make the change, every contributor to Bootstrap must consent to relicense their changes (since we have no contributor license agreement). We're making excellent progress on that front with the community's help and will address any holdouts as they come up. Suffice to say that with v3.0.1, new contributors to Bootstrap will agree to license their contributions under Apache 2 and MIT.

As a heads up, we've placed notices in the contributing guidelines and our project readme about the pending change and transition period.

It goes without saying that we don't need to do this, but we're withholding Bootstrap from some prominent communities still working within the GPL 2 license (which isn't compatible with Apache 2). Theoretically these communities could change their licenses, but when you step back and objectively look at it, it's way easier for us to change. So, we'll do our best to help out everyone. We hope you understand and stick it out with us as we make the move.

Up next

We're already tracking issues for a v3.0.2 release and it's changes will be along the same lines as today's release—bugs and docs. v3.1.0 will likely ship after that sometime with a few new features. As always, no dates have been set yet for any future release.


@mdo, @fat, and team

mdo commented 10 years ago

Started to stub out a blog post, as a teams up for folks.