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Fluid Grid not working in IE7, IE8, IE9 #3433

Closed cortizqgithub closed 12 years ago

cortizqgithub commented 12 years ago


I like very much the Toolkit. I read the documentation, implemented some samples on my own using the Fluid Grid aspect, I tested them using Firefox latest release, Chrome latest release and even used Firefox 3.x to test. But I tested it in Internet Explore it happened not to do anything. I guessed It was my implementation, then I went to the site and used the example, and it is the same. I am using V2.0.3. I think this is going to be fixed in next release.

I wonder what I am doing wrong.

quasipickle commented 12 years ago

Impossible to say with no code (preferably a jsfiddle) to look at. Bootstrap supports IE7, so the CSS does work - it's probably your implementation some how.

Joyrex commented 12 years ago

Check to ensure your IE Developers Tools aren't setting the Browser Mode and Document Mode to something other than the defaults (I run into this all the time testing in IE8 and the Browser Mode is set to IE8 Compatibility Mode). Hit F12 and you'll see the BM and DM dropdowns at the top of the window that appears. For IE8, they should be BM: IE8 and DM IE8 Standards.

cortizqgithub commented 12 years ago

@Joyrex Sure for IE8 but what about IE7, I have one Windows XP installation with IE7 only. @quasipickle @Joyrex There is no need for source code as I have written that the demo in the site does not work either. This is the URL I encourage you both in this discussion to give a try with IE7, IE8, IE9 and see if page is fluidly redrawn as expected.

Use that to test in these browsers by resizing the page and see that all elements are drawn fluidly in an iPad like resolution and to a minimun as expected.

mdo commented 12 years ago

IE7-8 do not support the "fluidly redrawn" grid you're referring to without additional tools (like respond.js, which we do not support).

program247365 commented 12 years ago

@markdotto Would you be willing to accept a pull-request that would implement a feature in that way?

j commented 12 years ago

Just going to bump in here for a second... I just talked to my whole team about using Twitter bootstrap to centralize our styling base... however, the importance of IE7 is extreme... Hell, we make revenue from IE6 users. This is funny b/c we sometimes do media buying for other companies and come to see that their path doesn't even work for versions of IE6 and their answers are, "Oh, our site doesn't support IE6." I looked at the states to make sure we can at least ignore versions of IE6 nowdays, and yesterday (in 7 hours), IE6 made us $268 (in straight conversion profits and not including adsense revenue and callcenter which is over 50% of our revenue on the web side). Another note, IE7 users made us $450... IE8+, FF, and Chrome of course made us above the 1k mark... but I think it's extremely stupid that people are so lazy and can't code for browsers..

Anyway, just in 7 hours, IE6 and IE7 users will make us over $260k a year in straight conversion profits (again, does not include callcenter revenues and adsense which is more likely above $400-500k....) Our products are 24/7... so these numbers may be way, way small.

Just a side note to lazy developers.

Lower versions of IE are slowly dying out and we can see it in our real data, but it's not dead yet. A lot of money is still to be made out of these types of users.

program247365 commented 12 years ago

@jstout24 I too am looking to use Twitter Bootstrap as a base style at the place I work. At my workplace, we have thousands of desktop users that still are nailed down to IE8 mostly. We've tried to talk to desktop support/infrastructure groups into making at least IE9 or even Chrome (, Chrome Surpasses IE as Most Used Browser), as the default browser for users, but we've not succeeded yet.

For people like us it's a need still. I don't think it's lazy developers at all, but rather developers hoping for a better future. :)

That being said, I'll post back here when I get my fork of Bootstrap rocking, with IE responsiveness.

j commented 12 years ago

That sounds good to me!

Side note: I understand that whole developers trying to move to a better web, etc.. And overal stats do show chrome surpassing ie.. But the truth of the matter is that a user that's worth the most money is typically women of higher ages (and typically on ie) :p.. I was at a google ventures party talking to my cousin (engineer at tumblr) and they typically don't support below ie9, lol.. I get it on cool tetchy sites that's user base is young people. Anyway, ie friendly for now wOuld be nice. At least a plugin for people who do care until ie6-7 dies out. :)

realityking commented 12 years ago

@jstout24 Expecting an open source project - even if backed by a big company - to expect to pay (time is money) to support older businesses is beyond selfish. Lazy's got nothing to do it. Developers make a choice based on needs and constraints (and in case of open source developers interest)

cortizqgithub commented 12 years ago

Thank you everyone for your comments, I never thought this issue would be such a concern and have led to many comments. This is why forums is a place to sharp ideas.

danolsavsky commented 11 years ago

Not sure if this is still an existing issue but it sounds like it will be in BS3. Either way, you could use JavsScript to detect the window size then assign a class to the HTML tag based off of your breakpoints. Then, add your breakpoint classes to your bootstrap grid CSS. Simple!

program247365 commented 11 years ago

Looks like the Bootstrap guys took my suggestion to use Respond.js to make IE8 responsive with the new Bootstrap 3 -

dizzyn commented 10 years ago

Check here on Github this project: it's a non-javascript CSS patch.