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Add a split button position in the navigation example #38543

Open ZhangChengLin opened 1 year ago

ZhangChengLin commented 1 year ago

The variety of navigation bar examples provided is nice, but one form is missing, a dropdown menu with split buttons.

In addition, the drop-down menu of the split button, trigger is not a way to increase the hover.

Sourav56 commented 1 year ago

I'd love to work on this. Kindly assign this to me.

ZhangChengLin commented 1 year ago

In the case of the split button, if it is in the navigation bar, the split button should be a link element, but in the current style, it cannot be seen in the navigation bar that it is a split state, and the effect of the split is not clear and the recognition is not high, especially in the form of navbars-offcanvas.