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CSS variable consistancy #39346

Open pixtur opened 1 year ago

pixtur commented 1 year ago



I am currently working on a Figma design to incorporate variable-based theme support for a BS5-based site. During the process, I found the CSS Variable documentation to be particularly helpful.

I understand that the Bootstrap team invested significant time and effort in determining these names, likely with good reasons for maintaining the status quo. However, I firmly believe that constructive feedback is always beneficial, hence I would like to share my thoughts.


To begin with, I have certain expectations from a variable collection:

While developing the variable specification, I found the current naming conventions rather challenging to work with. As a result, I created a mapping table to prevent any errors. I am sharing my findings with the hope that they might be considered for inclusion in a future version of Bootstrap.


I propose the following mapping:

BS5 Proposal Remark
--bs-primary --bs-primary-fill Colored button background used with white text
--bs-primary-text-emphasis --bs-primary-text Colored text in alert boxes, etc
--bs-primary-bg-subtle --bs-primary-bg Background for alert boxes with colored text
--bs-primary-border-subtle --bs-primary-border Outline for buttons and boxes
--bs-primary-bg (removed) Either remove or clarify usage with a suffix like -table-bg
--bs-body-bg --bs-bg-body Separate layout from signal.
--bs-secondary-rgb --bs-bg-secondary makes it more relatable to layout.

Proposal (RFC).

For my project, I have created the following mapping. If things go well, I can release the figma-library with the correct mapping for dev export.

Figma BS5 Default dark
text/body --bs-body-color #dee2e6
text/emphasis --bs-emphasis-color #fff
text/secondary --bs-secondary-color rgba(222, 226, 230, 0.75)
text/tertiary --bs-tertiary-color rgba(222, 226, 230, 0.5)
text/code --bs-code-color #e685b5
text/highlight --bs-highlight-color #dee2e6
bg/border-translucent --bs-border-color-translucent rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15)
bg/body --bs-body-bg #212529
bg/border --bs-border-color #495057
bg/highlight --bs-highlight-bg #664d03
bg/secondary --bs-secondary-bg #343a40
bg/tertiary --bs-tertiary-bg #2b3035
form/invalid-border --bs-form-invalid-border-color #ea868f
form/invalid-bg --bs-form-invalid-color #ea868f
form/valid-border --bs-form-valid-border-color #75b798
form/valid-bg --bs-form-valid-color #75b798
text/heading --bs-heading-color inherit
text/link --bs-link-color #6ea8fe
text/link-hover --bs-link-hover-color #8bb9fe
signal/primary-fill --bs-primary #2c0b0e
signal/primary-bg --bs-primary-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/primary-border --bs-primary-border-subtle #842029
signal/primary-text --bs-primary-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/secondary-fill --bs-secondary #2c0b0e
signal/secondary-bg --bs-secondary-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/secondary-border --bs-secondary-border-subtle #842029
signal/secondary-text --bs-secondary-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/tertiary-fill --bs-tertiary #2c0b0e
signal/tertiary-bg --bs-tertiary-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/tertiary-border --bs-tertiary-border-subtle #842029
signal/tertiary-text --bs-tertiary-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/success-fill --bs-success #2c0b0e
signal/success-bg --bs-success-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/success-border --bs-success-border-subtle #842029
signal/success-text --bs-success-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/info-fill --bs-info #2c0b0e
signal/info-bg --bs-info-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/info-border --bs-info-border-subtle #842029
signal/info-text --bs-info-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/danger-fill --bs-danger #2c0b0e
signal/danger-bg --bs-danger-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/danger-border --bs-danger-border-subtle #842029
signal/danger-text --bs-danger-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/warning-fill --bs-warning #2c0b0e
signal/warning-bg --bs-warning-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/warning-border --bs-warning-border-subtle #842029
signal/warning-text --bs-warning-text-emphasis #ea868f
signal/invert-fill --bs-dark #2c0b0e
signal/invert-bg --bs-dark-bg-subtle #2c0b0e
signal/invert-border --bs-dark-border-subtle #842029
signal/invert-text --bs-dark-text-emphasis #ea868f
- --bs-body-color-rgb 222, 226, 230
- --bs-emphasis-color-rgb 255, 255, 255
- --bs-link-color-rgb 110, 168, 254
- --bs-link-hover-color-rgb 139, 185, 254
- --bs-tertiary-color-rgb 222, 226, 230
- --bs-secondary-bg-rgb 52, 58, 64
- --bs-tertiary-bg-rgb 43, 48, 53
- --bs-light-border-subtle #495057
- --bs-light-text-emphasis #f8f9fa

Motivation and context

see above.

julien-deramond commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @pixtur for such detailed feedback. I'm tagging it as v6 as it can be studied in depth when we start working on the new major version of Bootstrap where we plan some CSS refactoring, especially regarding the themes (and so the Sass/CSS vars linked to that). I'll read your feedback thoroughly as soon as possible.

pixtur commented 1 year ago

@julien-deramond Thank you. I hope I didn't come across too negative here. While writing the issue and reading the documentation more thoroughly, I had to remove and adjust many of my initial complaints. This is just my way of learning stuff. BS really has come a long way. So, if I can slightly contribute to upcoming releases, perfect!