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Fix link decoration handling in Bootstrap SCSS files #39934

Open layenis opened 1 month ago

layenis commented 1 month ago


This commit refactors the handling of link decorations in _buttons.scss, _card.scss, _dropdown.scss, _list-group.scss, _nav.scss, _navbar.scss, _pagination.scss files. The text-decoration property is now correctly applied based on the conditions specified by $link-decoration and $link-hover-decoration variables.

Motivation & Context

This change is required to fix issues related to the handling of link decorations in Bootstrap SCSS files introduced by another fix.

The original implementation attempted to optimize the handling of link decorations by excluding the text-decoration property under specific conditions. However, this led to incorrect behavior due to incomplete consideration of all possible values for $link-decoration and $link-hover-decoration.

This fix addresses these issues by ensuring proper handling of the text-decoration property based on specified conditions. Specifically, it ensures that the text-decoration property is correctly applied according to the values of $link-decoration and $link-hover-decoration, thereby resolving visual inconsistencies or unexpected rendering of link decorations.

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Closes #39204

XhmikosR commented 1 month ago

Please make sure lint passes.

XhmikosR commented 3 weeks ago

@mdo: this changes the look in many places, please have a look (see the docs preview for example).

XhmikosR commented 3 weeks ago

If it's going to be so big of a change, maybe we should postpone it until later.