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README: `` badges are not rendered #39954

Closed julien-deramond closed 1 week ago

julien-deramond commented 1 month ago


In our README, there is a rendering issue with some badges present in the Status section.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 19 03 06

These badges are all using where there is an open issue apparently linked to an expired registry:

Several options:

itsmesuraj20 commented 1 month ago

I tried to fix it statically by brute-forcing it. I simply created another badge with the same link, but I couldn't understand the badge design. I'm unable to match the design of the badge.

Could you please provide the badge design model or style query for it?

Here's what I have tried to build image

itsmesuraj20 commented 1 month ago

Please do assign me for this issue

julien-deramond commented 1 week ago

It's back to normal thanks to I'll reopen this issue if the issue comes back.