twbs / ratchet

Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.
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Add proper check boxes and radio buttons to forms #542

Open connors opened 10 years ago

connors commented 10 years ago

We don't really support this very well right now.

lopes commented 10 years ago

Will you support it someday? Maybe next month? Radio buttons are just what I need to start using Ratchet. :)

ghost commented 10 years ago

If you are using KnockoutJS you can create a horizontal push-button style radio set pretty easily. First, define the styles:

.radio-set { display:inline-block; vertical-align: middle; border-radius: 6px; clear: both; border:1px solid gray; width:100%; }

.radio-set div { float:left; clear: none; margin:0px; padding:4px 6px; border-right:1px groove gray; }

.radio-set div:last-child { border-right:0px solid gray; }

.radio-set-a > div { /* width: 49.95%; IE7 / / margin-right: -.5px; BB5 */ width: 50%; }

.radio-set-b > div { /* width: 33.25%; IE7 / / margin-right: -.5px; BB5 */ width: 33.333%; }

.radio-set-c > div { /* width: 24.925%; IE7 / / margin-right: -.5px; BB5 */ width: 25%; }

.radio-set-d > div { /* width: 19.925%; IE7 */ width: 20%; }

Next, add the custom Knockout bindingHandler (mine are called 'MDChecked'):

ko.bindingHandlers.mdChecked = { init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings) { $(element).click(function() { var value = valueAccessor(); var thisValue = allBindings.get('thisValue'); value(thisValue); }); }, update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { // First get the latest data that we're bound to var value = valueAccessor(); // Next, whether or not the supplied model property is observable, get its current value var valueUnwrapped = ko.unwrap(value); // Grab some more data from another binding property var thisValue = allBindings.get('thisValue');

    // Now manipulate the DOM element
    if (valueUnwrapped == thisValue)
        $(element).addClass("active"); // Make the element visible
        $(element).removeClass("active");   // Make the element invisible        


Now, in your HTML file, define your radio buttons. Note that we use the "btn-primary" and "active" styles from Ratchet to style our radio button colors. Also, this example has three buttons so it adds "radio-set-b" so that the three fill the radio set area:

zekenie commented 8 years ago

I don't know if you guys are still developing Ratchet, but I really like it a lot. Radio buttons support would be great