tweag / HaskellR

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Tutorial #418

Open djsamperi opened 1 year ago

djsamperi commented 1 year ago

Tuturial branch includes HaskellR/examples/tutorial/tutorial.hs HaskellR/examples/tutorial/lifting.hs HaskellR/IHaskell/examples/tutorial.ipynb HaskellR/installwin.bat HaskellR/data (output directory for tutorial)

The last file installs under Windows after getting config info from R.

Added R packages to shell.nix.

Added extra-deps to stack.yaml (mathlist), because mathlist is not part of HaskellR snapshot?

To run tutorial under Linux: 'stack --nix exec tutorial', output goes to data subdirectory.

To run tutorial under Windows, leave off the '--nix'.

Can also run a variation of the tutorial in the Jupyter notebook.