tweag / cooked-validators

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Missing "Show" instance for UtxoState #266

Closed gabrielhdt closed 1 year ago

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

As the title says. Furthermore, interaction with the repl fails because of that, see the steps to reproduce.

To Reproduce Use cabal repl in cooked-validators, then

Prelude Cooked> :l Cooked
Ok, 31 modules loaded.
Prelude Cooked> import Data.Default
Prelude Data.Default Cooked> Cooked.runMockChainFrom def (Cooked.validateTxSkel $ Cooked.txSkelTemplate)

<interactive>:4:1: error:
    • No instance for (Show UtxoState) arising from a use of ‘print’
    • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

Expected behavior ~There should be an instance of Show, shouldn't it?~ I would expect that function to not fail and show me a representation of UtxoState.

Environment cooked-validators, commit 094fdcf7be5d897d8b921e8fbbc2eb1891c8fb61, using the development shell provided by the flake (on a Void Linux).

carlhammann commented 1 year ago

There's pretty-printing for UtxoState, though, which we could use to implement Show. Probably Show was deepened unnecessary after we implemented pretty printing?

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

So should we use the prettyCooked instance for Show as well?

carlhammann commented 1 year ago

If that suits your needs, why not?

florentc commented 1 year ago

This is intended. In the end the plan is to remove requirements about Show instances for datum and redeemers (we already require PrettyCooked). So UtxoState will no longer be showable. Also, implementing Show from Pretty/PrettyCooked does not seem, if I am not mistaken, in the philosophy of what Show is usually expected to be: a raw printing of information. The pretty printing, on the other hand, takes liberties when it comes to printing, it omits info on purpose, etc. Besides, for your use case, in a repl, pretty-printing has upsides: for example it will adapt to your window size and line break when necessary while a conversion to string will blindly assume 80col-long lines.

I think this may be related to #234 in a way. Solving #234 would probably be the occasion to introduce some wrapper function or PrettyCooked instance to introduce convenient runAndPrettyPrint functions to use during experiments in the REPL

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

if I am not mistaken, in the philosophy of what Show is usually expected to be: a raw printing of information

This is my opinion too, using pretty for Show seemed a bit strange to me. But how should I solve my problem? Is there a way to use the pretty function in the repl?

florentc commented 1 year ago

You can use putDoc from Prettyprinter

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

How can I convince the repl to use putDoc?

florentc commented 1 year ago

By default Doc a, so DocCooked as well, are showable so you should see something if you just prettyCooked. Alternatively, import Prettyprinter and putDoc . prettyCooked.

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

I'm afraid I can't make things work out, could you tell me precisely how I should modify my snippet above to make it work?

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

I see what you meant: but prettyCooked cannot work right away because the value returned is an Either ... ..., so this doesn't have any prettyCooked instance.

florentc commented 1 year ago

There is prettyEndState in Pretty.Cooked. I could introduce a prettyRunResult :: Show a => PrettyCookedOpts -> (a, Either MockChainError UtxoState) -> DocCooked if you want. We already have pretty printing functions for state and mock chain error.

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

Why not, but actually I'm more interested in knowing whether you think the behaviour I described in this bugreport is the expected one, or whether you think it's a bug.

gabrielhdt commented 1 year ago

The "bug" being

cabal repl fails upon evaluation of some data of type Either ... UtxoState

florentc commented 1 year ago

I think it is expected since UtxoState is no longer showable. The repl implicitly requires the returned value to be showable in order to print it. It does the same when evaluating any non Showable value.

It is now a matter of whether (and how) we want to restore an instance of Show for UtxoState.

In my opinion we should not for the reason I talked about above: