tweag / rules_sh

Shell rules for Bazel
Apache License 2.0
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Run CI workflow for PRs too #51

Closed avdv closed 11 months ago

avdv commented 11 months ago

Currently, the CI workflow is triggered when pushing to this repository.

We should also trigger the workflow for PRs contributed from somebody else.

avdv commented 11 months ago

Unfortunately, the Windows CI jobs fail with an error:

ERROR: D:/a/rules_sh/rules_sh/tests/posix_hermetic/BUILD.bazel:3:26: Compiling posix_hermetic/ failed: (Exit 1): vc_installation_error_x64.bat failed: error executing command external\local_config_cc\vc_installation_error_x64.bat /nologo /DCOMPILER_MSVC /DNOMINMAX /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /bigobj /Zm500 /EHsc /wd4351 /wd4291 ... (remaining 17 arguments skipped)

The target you are compiling requires Visual C++ build tools. 
Bazel couldn't find a valid Visual C++ build tools installation on your machine. 

Visual C++ build tools seems to be installed at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC 
But Bazel can't find the following tools: 
    VCVARSALL.BAT, cl.exe, link.exe, lib.exe, ml64.exe 
for x64 target architecture 

Please check your installation following 

Which has been fixed upstream: and is available in Bazel 6.3.0

I'm going to downgrade the windows image which leaves us with Visual Studio 2019.