tweag / webauthn

A library for parsing and validating webauthn/fido2 credentials
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Explain rationale for intermediate WebIDL types, or remove them #107

Closed infinisil closed 2 years ago

infinisil commented 2 years ago

Using these intermediate types allows directly deriving JSON instances, because the field names and types of the WebIDL model line up exactly with the spec. But the alternative of just wrapping the fully-decoded model types with newtype's and writing a manual encoding/decoding also sounds intriguing and would remove some mental overhead. Although it would require duplication in the encoding and decoding parts.

Edit: Another motivation for these intermediate types is that they allow using other encoding/decoding schemas than webauthn-json.

infinisil commented 2 years ago

I took a closer look at this today, and it turns out that the correct encoding/decoding is more complicated than it seems. Here are some notes:

Given the above, and some more thought, I think this is the best approach forward:

lykahb commented 2 years ago

The WebIDL module works both with the binary CBOR payload, and the JSON object that contains the payload. In my understanding, the CBOR handling is under Crypto.WebAuthn.Model.WebIDL.Internal.Binary.

Yeah, we discussed before that it is fine to have the default JSON schema to be tied to webauthn-json. I agree that it can be more obvious. Maybe a module name can be changed.

After playing around with the library, I think that it may be better to drop the WebIDL abstraction. WebIDL aligns with the CTAP part of the spec, but this library isn't meant to work client-side with the browser API.

That indirection makes it hard to discover how to compose. For example, I want to get a Credential 'Registration 'True from the client to pass to verifyRegistrationResponse. The docs for Credential has instances of ToJSON, Convert, Decode, DecodeCreated. The instances don't tell how to get the value from JSON. I only understood how to do this after reading the server example at the Main.hs that calls decodeCredentialRegistration.

It would be much simpler if we had something like this:

-- |  ...
-- For decoding see the newtype `Crypto.WebAuthn.Model.WebauthnJSON.CredentialJSON` .
data Credential (c :: CeremonyKind) raw 

newtype CredentialJSON (c :: CeremonyKind) raw = CredentialJSON (Credential (c :: CeremonyKind) raw)
instance FromJSON CredentialJSON ...
instance ToJSON CredentialJSON ...

Then I'd only need to know the helper newtypes and use the regular aeson types. There is SupportedAttestationStatementFormats passed to decoding that does not map cleanly toFromJSON. But I think it is easy to resolve if decoding is done in two stages - for the JSON payload with FromJSON, and with decode* that takes a CBOR value and the statement formats. The decode* functions not related to CBOR won't be necessary anymore.

infinisil commented 2 years ago

After playing around with the library, I think that it may be better to drop the WebIDL abstraction. WebIDL aligns with the CTAP part of the spec, but this library isn't meant to work client-side with the browser API.

Yeah very much agreed after looking more closely at it. WebIDL isn't really very involved here, I'll rename this to be more webauthn-json specific.

There is SupportedAttestationStatementFormats passed to decoding that does not map cleanly toFromJSON. But I think it is easy to resolve if decoding is done in two stages - for the JSON payload with FromJSON, and with decode* that takes a CBOR value and the statement formats.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this though, isn't this what is being done right now? Decoding is done with FromJSON IDLCredentialRegistration in a first step, followed by a second decodeCredentialRegistration step which takes the SupportedAttestationStatementFormats.

In the future I believe we will also need the same pattern for supported extensions (and that for both registration and authentication responses), see #35.

What I can do is just make sure that the documentation is better, e.g. as you already suggested, referencing the decoding function from the Credential type.

lykahb commented 2 years ago

When I said that Credential c raw doesn't map cleanly to FromJSON, I meant that aCredential c raw or a newtype over it cannot have a FromJSON instance. They need the two steps for decoding that you described where SupportedAttestationStatementFormats is supplied.

infinisil commented 2 years ago

This is now being cleaned up a bit in #140, though it's mostly still the same scheme of having intermediate types, but now they're specifically for webauthn-json and not really exposed