tweag / webauthn

A library for parsing and validating webauthn/fido2 credentials
Apache License 2.0
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Check that the ECDSA point is on the curve #133

Closed infinisil closed 2 years ago

infinisil commented 2 years ago

This check was accidentally removed in #80 because no specification that we implement mentioned anything of it. This only just came to my attention when stumbling upon this note from the webauthn spec:

Note: There are many checks neccessary to correctly implement signature verification using these algorithms. One of these is that, when processing uncompressed elliptic-curve points, implementations should check that the point is actually on the curve. This check is highlighted because it’s judged to be at particular risk of falling through the gap between a cryptographic library and other code.

I am however still not sure if we actually need to implement this check, and where. I can't find any vulnerability due to this check missing (just for signature verification), but it is clearly mentioned as a check that needs to be performed to validate a public key in documents describing ECDSA, among other checks. I can neither find anything about this check in COSE nor cryptonite. Should this be fixed in cryptonite? Does it need to be fixed? I am not sure yet

infinisil commented 2 years ago

I quote from section 6.2 from



infinisil commented 2 years ago

Openssl also implements these checks here, which references

infinisil commented 2 years ago

As discussed with @ErinvanderVeen:

infinisil commented 2 years ago

Superseded by #136 for now, which introduces this and other public key checks