tweag / webauthn

A library for parsing and validating webauthn/fido2 credentials
Apache License 2.0
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Hackage warns about missing upper bounds #176

Open ErinvanderVeen opened 11 months ago

ErinvanderVeen commented 11 months ago

When publishing, Hackage warned about the following, this should be resolved for a next release.

These packages miss upper bounds: - QuickCheck - directory - filepath - hspec - hspec-expectations-json - pem - quickcheck-instances Please add them, using cabal gen-bounds for suggestions. For more information see:

ErinvanderVeen commented 11 months ago

Thankfully this doesn't impose any significant change on our versions:

Other changes. Otherwise, e.g. if change consist only of corrected documentation, non-visible change to allow different dependency range etc. A.B.C MAY remain the same (other version components may change).

aspiwack commented 11 months ago

As always, I recommend against upper bounds altogether (unless an actual incompatibility is known). They create a non-trivial amount of gratuitous work, and rarely actually help. But I won't fight for it.

infinisil commented 11 months ago

I'd say let's just leave this issue open for now and not spend any effort on this until we run into actual problems (e.g. when we have users complain that the bounds are too strict)