tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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Don't list locale under `country` #22

Open baltpeter opened 10 months ago

baltpeter commented 10 months ago

In a few adapters (but not always), we have listed a locale property as both language and country in line with our "properties that hold multiple data types should be listed for each of them" policy.

However, I don't think that is semantically correct. I have my phone's language set to US English (en_US). But that doesn't mean that a tracker that collects this data point (wrongly) infers my country to be the US.

If we do decide not to consider a locale to contain country information we should document that in the contrib details.

zner0L commented 1 month ago

I am torn, but if you insist we can remove the locale from country.