tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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For reference: data connector details #23

Closed baltpeter closed 10 months ago

baltpeter commented 10 months ago

One of Singular's selling points is the ability to aggregate data from various other trackers. For that, they have data connectors that can ingest the other trackers' data and convert it into their own format.

Just for future reference: I just discovered that they have very in-depth documentation on these adapters: (unfortunately only accessible if you are logged in). This documentation includes a mapping of fields, e.g.:


That might be very helpful if we're trying to understand another tracker's fields but they don't have their own documentation (or their documentation is not available to us).

List of data connectors:

StackAdapt, TaurusX, Aarki, Ad4game, AdColony, Adikteev, Adjoe, Apple Search Ads, Applovin, AppsFlyer, Aura IronSource, ayeT-Studios, Bing, Blind Ferret Engage (Influence Mobile),, Button, Buzzvil, CChange, Connexus, Criteo, Dataseat, DemandScale, DoubleClick DBM, DoubleClick DCM, Edge226, EmarketMed, Essence, Facebook, Fyber, FluentCo, GetBlue, Google Ads (AdWords), Google Marketing Platform (CM 360), Google Marketing Platform (DV360), Google Search Ads 360, HasOffers Dashboard, iMobile, Impact Radius, InMobi, IronSource, Kakao, Kidoz, Kochava, Liftoff, LinkedIn, Macan Native, Mintegral, MOLOCO, Ocean Engine, Odeeo,, Pinterest, Qverse, Reddit, Smadex, Snapchat, Spotlight, StreamElements, Swaarm, Taboola, Tapjoy, Tapp Spend, Taptica, TikTok For Business, TrialPay, Tune, TVSquared, Twitter, Unity Ads, Verizon Media, Vungle, Winclap, Yahoo, Yahoo Japan, Yandex, Zucks