tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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Towards #9: Document Microsoft App Center adapter #44

Closed baltpeter closed 7 months ago

baltpeter commented 9 months ago

The endpoint is for the Visual Studio App Center Diagnostics feature. (Edit: correction)

Microsoft has documentation on how to manually POST to that endpoint: (archived)

There is even a Swagger file: (archived)

Additionally, there is also a "Data Collected by App Center SDKs" page: (archived)

baltpeter commented 4 months ago

The endpoint is for the Visual Studio App Center Diagnostics feature.

Correction: I'm actually pretty sure now that the endpoint is used for various App Center services, not just Diagnostics.

According to, for Diagnostics, the body should have type: *Error and exception: ….

However, many of the requests we have for the endpoint don't have those properties. For example,,84119 has type: event.

And according to, the data types we extract are common across all services and SDKs. Further:

All data sent to App Center travels through a central ingestion service.