tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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Group `otherIdentifiers` by type? #45

Open baltpeter opened 9 months ago

baltpeter commented 9 months ago

Maybe we should group group IDs that we don't have a specific property (e.g. idfa, idfv) for by type (session, device, user, installation, …) and have separate properties for those which replace the current otherIdentifiers property?

Other than the obvious benefit of finer resolution, I'm mostly thinking about how we're going to argue that the IDs are personal data in the complaints. My first thought was that we would need to have a specific blurb for each individual ID we encounter. But producing and, worse yet, translating all those would be a ridiculous amount of work. Maybe we can get away with just having a generic argument for each possible type of ID?