tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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How should we return `reasoning` for our own documentation? #57

Open baltpeter opened 7 months ago

baltpeter commented 7 months ago

For reasonings that point to our own research documentation, we currently return the (relative) path to the Markdown file in process(). Here's how that looks in cli as an example:


I'm unsure whether that's the correct way to go. We could also replace the path with the URL to the hosted documentation on

Even if we decide against doing that, I think we should at least:

baltpeter commented 7 months ago

One potential reason I can think of for not replacing the path with a URL: One might want to get the research documentation as of the version of TrackHAR they are using and not the (potentially) updated one on our site.

However, then I realized that we don't actually ship the documentation as part of the bundle, which seems like an oversight to me. (Though it does raise additional questions, like should we maybe export it as a JS object or something since you can't exactly easily access Markdown files bundled in a JS package…).

zner0L commented 1 month ago

We decided to: