tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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Adaper for `` #69

Open baltpeter opened 1 month ago

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

We've seen the following endpoint URLs:

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

API docs for a C# client library:

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

There are also docs for clients in various other languages (e.g. Go:, which all seem largely identical in terms of content.

They all link to, which now redirects to This page is a bit confusing to me. It sounds like these endpoint should have stopped working a while ago:

On June 30, 2020, the SDKs documented on this page and the API setting page will stop functioning. (The and endpoints, used by Identity Platform and Firebase Authentication, will continue to function.)

However, I am still seeing requests to it ( isn't done yet, but I already have traffic from almost 1000 apps to look through). And, importantly, they don't fail but appear to be working just fine, e.g.:


Well, anyway. The API is still functioning and seeing requests, so it's good if we have an adapter.