tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
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Protobuf string decoding in adapter `google/googledatatransport-firelog-batchlog-protobuf` #71

Open baltpeter opened 1 month ago

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

In google/googledatatransport-firelog-batchlog-protobuf (which I'm writing as part of #52), I'm seeing some odd values:


That is not us misinterpreting a field or otherwise specifying a wrong dataPath, it's a problem of our Protobuf decoder (which we took from Cyberchef).

Here's an example of a request where that happens:,101672

If we load that in Cyberchef, we get the same problem:


The fields I marked with an arrow should be iPhone9,3 and en-GB, respectively but they are instead interpreted as buffers.

As far as I understand it, there is no definitive way to tell from the Protobuf wireformat (without a schema) whether a value is a string or buffer, so libraries apply heuristics, which can of course fail. handles this case correctly/offers both interpretations:


I also quickly tried rawprotoparse (which is used by HTTPToolkit), but even with rawprotoparse(buffer, { stringMode: 'string' }), that still interprets both fields as buffers:
