tweaselORG / TrackHAR

Library for detecting tracking data transmissions from traffic in HAR format.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
5 stars 0 forks source link

Adapter for `` #73

Open baltpeter opened 1 month ago

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

Endpoint URL:*/installations

Sample requests:

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

Official documentation on the Firebase Installations API/SDK:

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

The body has a fid parameter (e.g. "fid":"ejj4195USJykejcWxX3K3J"). That is the Firebase installation ID.

baltpeter commented 1 month ago

Urgh. In the new monkey run, we have a request where the body is not JSON but JS. -.-,49780

{fid: 'eicruEJCM8UPXoL66P16PG', appId: '1:722550545529:android:82c62205f0ef0ea96608a8', authVersion: 'FIS_v2', sdkVersion: 'o:a:mlkit:1.0.0'}

But looking at the headers, it seems like that was sent manually by the app developer, not by the SDK, lol.

x-goog-api-key: AIzaSyCFwAkppu5iTGrHIwJWrCVELOrpKO6DDUg
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
content-length: 141
accept-encoding: gzip
user-agent: okhttp/3.12.13
zner0L commented 2 weeks ago

While testing the TrackHAR web UI, I found that the x-firebase-client header actually contains more information than just the SDK version. In a run I did with the co.gocrush app (HAR file of the run) it contained a base64-encoded and gzipped JSON, which also encoded the device name, a date, the os version and name, as well as the device model and manufacturer ([decoded in Cyberchef]('A-Za-z0-9-_',true,false)Gunzip()JSON_Beautify('%20%20%20%20',false,false)&input=SDRzSUFBQUFBQUFBQUQyUTRZNkNNQkNFWDRYMHR5MmxFTTd6VmNTUWxhN1lXRnJTN2hrdnhuZV85UUJfN21UbjI5bDVpaXRDb2pNQ1pYRTRQZ1dNR0VnY0JBU2Jvck9TSUkxSU10dGJWOWFtdUxpRWtoS0VQTWRFWFZudFZhVk1jWXZrWGVCUnRjcFV4V1oySVJONGo2a3JGLWNRRTNhbDBXelNxLUx6UDhXbzcwVzREQk52MUVxcmVoRldHSi12QzR0M042QU1NREdHTV9YamZJMEItOGUtN2R0bTJWLVBBcmtZM3V3dlJsVWJDdnd2dVNHdkdjd0dQUE5IZkdHTWNmVDRpVDh6NUJJVDVfbElrd3RMRl96bDZwMmlSZC1WT1AyMHpRUEVUbGdnZkpjcGpEYU4xSzJzdERpOVRqdHh4NVE1RkxkcnhPc1BtWHZsWTNvQkFBQQ)):

    "heartbeats": [
            "agent": "android-target-sdk/32 fire-transport/18.1.2 kotlin/1.6.21 android-installer/ fire-core/20.1.0 fire-cls/18.2.9 fire-fcm/23.0.3 fire-android/33 device-name/sdk_gphone_x86_64 fire-installations/17.0.1 fire-analytics/20.1.2 device-brand/google android-platform/ android-min-sdk/21 device-model/emu64xa",
            "dates": [
    "version": "2"
baltpeter commented 2 weeks ago

More importantly, we'll need to filter out (#46) [H4sIAAAAAAAAAKtWykhNLCpJSk0sKVayio7VUSpLLSrOzM9TslIyUqoFAFyivEQfAAAA]('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D',true,false)Gunzip()&input=SDRzSUFBQUFBQUFBQUt0V3lraE5MQ3BKU2swc0tWYXlpbzdWVVNwTExTck96TTlUc2xJeVVxb0ZBRnlpdkVRZkFBQUE) (and possibly others?).