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Languages DPAs accept complaints in, complaint forms, procedural rules #44

Open baltpeter opened 6 months ago

baltpeter commented 6 months ago

We obviously need to know which languages national DPAs accept complaints in.

We'll also use the opportunity to collect complaint forms and special procedural rules.

baltpeter commented 6 months ago

CNPD (Luxembourg)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Datatilsynet (Denmark)

Procedural rules

Before you submit a complaint, you should contact the company, organisation, person, or authority that you believe is processing your personal data contrary to data protection rules.

As a rule, the Danish Data Protection Agency does not process anonymous complaints.

The Danish Data Protection Agency does not accept files with file extensions such as .exe, .com, .zip or .rar, or files containing audio or video sequences. The Agency is also unable to download files from external links or receive files that have been sent on USB memory sticks.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

ANSPDCP (Romania)

Procedural rules

Article 3

(1) The complaints addressed to ANSPDCP must be made in writing, in Romanian or English, subject to the terms of the RGPD, of other applicable legal provisions, as well as the terms of this Procedure.

(2) The complaints may be filed at the general registry at ANSPDCP’s headquarters or may be sent by post, including electronic mail, or by using the electronic form available on ANSPDCP’s website. […]

Article 4

(1) For valid receipt and registration of complaints, it is mandatory to provide the following data of the petitioner: name, surname, postal address of domicile or residence. If the complaint is submitted electronically, it is mandatory to provide the petitioner’s e-mail address.


(4) The submitted complaints shall be signed by handwriting or by electronic means, and, in the case of electronically submitted petitions that can not be signed, ANSPDCP may request the confirmation of the correctness of the data transmitted electronically.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection (Cyprus)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

CPDP (Bulgaria)

Procedural rules

Your complaint/alert must be translated into Bulgarian. The complaint or alert must contain:

  1. Information about the sender – name, address for correspondence and permanent address, telephone, e-mail (if available);
  2. The nature of the complaint or alert;
  3. Date of knowledge of the violation, if such is claimed;
  4. Indication of a person against whom complaint or alert is submitted;
  5. Other information or documents, when this is provided by law or in the Rules on the Activity of the Commission for Personal Data Protection and its Administration;
  6. Date and signature (for electronic documents – QES, for paper – handwritten).


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Datatilsynet (Norway)

Procedural rules

To ensure efficient case processing, we ask that you contact the data controller (company, company, firm, institution, company, association, person or similar) before you complain to us.

Include the following in the complaint:

  • Who you are complaining about - name of company
  • A description of what the complaint is about
  • Your contact information (name, phone and postal address only)
  • Any documentation of correspondence with the company


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Datenschutzstelle (Liechtenstein)

Procedural rules

Wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich soweit als möglich zunächst direkt an die datenverarbeitende Stelle zu wenden.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

DSB (Austria)

Procedural rules

Der Anspruch auf Behandlung einer Beschwerde erlischt gemäß § 24 Abs. 4 DSG, wenn der Einschreiter sie nicht binnen eines Jahres, nachdem er Kenntnis von dem beschwerenden Ereignis erlangt hat, längstens aber binnen drei Jahren, nachdem das Ereignis behaupteter Maßen stattgefunden hat, einbringt.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

DVI (Latvia)

Procedural rules

translated using Google Translate

The Data State Inspectorate accepts complaints that are 1.) signed by hand - by sending them by post or placed in the mailbox on the 1st floor of the Data State Inspectorate (Elijas iela 17, Rīga, LV-1050) or 2.) signed with a secure electronic signature, sent to Data to the official electronic mail address of the State Inspectorate at or in the E-address information system. The complaint must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Legal Validity of Documents and the Law on Submissions - it must contain the applicant's name, address, and, if necessary, other information that helps to communicate with the applicant.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italy)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

HDPA (Greece)

Procedural rules

Before you submit a complaint, you must appeal to the controller, e.g. exercising the rights that are provided for in Articles 15 to 22 of GDPR, where applicable.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

IDPC (Malta)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

IMY (Sweden)

Procedural rules

Before you file a complaint, we recommend that you contact the organisation that processes your data and explain what you think is incorrect.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

IP (Slovenia)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

NAIH (Hungary)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Persónuvernd (Iceland)

Procedural rules

translated using Google Translate

Complaints must be in writing and signed


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto (Finland)

Procedural rules

As a rule, the Data Protection Ombudsman will not comment on cases in which the data subject has not contacted the controller directly.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

UODO (Poland)

Procedural rules

Each complaint lodged with the President of the Office must contain:

  1. name, surname and address of residence of the complainant;
  2. handwritten signature;
  3. indication of the entity against which the complaint is lodged (full name / name and surname and address of the seat/residence);
  4. detailed description of the violation;
  5. request, i.e. indication of what action the applicant expects from the authority (e.g. deletion of data, fulfillment of the information obligation, rectification of data, limitation of data processing, etc.).

Complaints lodged in electronic form, in addition to the requirements of a complaint submitted in the traditional form, must:

  1. be accompanied by a qualified electronic signature or signature confirmed by the ePUAP trusted profile, or authenticated in a way that ensures the possibility of confirming the origin and integrity of the verified data in electronic form,
  2. include the electronic address of the applicant.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

UOOU (Czech Republic)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

UOOU (Slovakia)

Procedural rules

DISCLAIMER: This template serves merely for the information about the content requirements of the complaint. In accordance with the Act No. 270/1995 Coll. on the State Language of the Slovak Republic the public authorities and the natural persons are obliged to use the state language – Slovak in the official communication. The proceeding is performed and the decisions are issued exclusively in Slovak language.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

VDAI (Lithuania)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

APD/GBA (Belgium)

Procedural rules

Ihre Beschwerde muss datiert, unterzeichnet und auf Französisch, Niederländisch oder Deutsch verfasst sein, eine Darstellung des Sachverhalts sowie gegebenenfalls den Nachweis enthalten, dass zuvor die Rechte gegenüber der Drittpartei geltend gemacht wurden.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

AZOP (Croatia)

Procedural rules

translated using Google Translate

Before submitting a request to determine a violation of rights, we advise you to contact the data controller in writing


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

AKI (Estonia)


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

CNIL (France)

Procedural rules

translated using Google Translate

Before requesting the intervention of the CNIL, you must first exercise your Data Protection rights


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

DPC (Ireland)

Procedural rules

Generally, we will require you to have raised the matter directly with the organisation before raising a concern with this office.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

AP (The Netherlands)

Procedural rules

translated using Google Translate

We expect that you have first contacted the organization for a solution.

You can submit a privacy complaint in Dutch or English.


baltpeter commented 6 months ago

CNPD (Portugal)
