tweedegolf / collada2json

Converts Collada models to Threejs' own JSON format
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Unable to start the server ... #1

Open jayjlawrence opened 7 years ago

jayjlawrence commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

OS X 10.11.6 user. npm -v 3.10.9. I followed the instructions and the webserver does not appear to start.

On branch headless at 40b2ea91abff4d60a4ecf130fb4775ce4f9d5157

npm run watch gives:

MacBook-Pro:collada2json_js jaylawrence$ npm run watch

collada-to-json-converter@ watch /Users/jaylawrence/Projects/collada2json_js watchify js/* -t babelify -o build/build.js --debug --verbose | ws

serving at http://localhost:8000

/Users/jaylawrence/Projects/collada2json_js/js/three_constants.js:1 export default { ^ ParseError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module' { Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'build/build.js' errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: 'build/build.js' }

Nothin' listenin' on port 8080 ... and I notice that there's no build/build.js - perhaps missing in the commit?

Would love to have a running app as there's a couple changes needed for r82 support.

MANY Thanks!

agaldemas commented 6 years ago

OK, managed to get it work, need to install globally browserify and exorcist (sudo npm install -g browserify exorcist) before calling npm run build which generate build.js then npm run watch start a working server and page ! could be nice to include this information in