Closed dalisoft closed 9 years ago
Hi @dalisoft - thanks for your interest.
The way we add new features into tween.js is mostly via people sending PRs, because I simply don't have the time to implement all the features people want.
In this case I'm not sure if you want me to implement those features or are asking about them, or complaining...? :-) Also I do not know what GSAP is, sorry.
Sorry for writing shortword GSAP ( GreenSock Animation Platform, ). I'm sending PR ( Pull Request ) to Tween.js for powerful and/or total controlling. I'm always like and using Tween.js instead of any libraries, it's a very high-performance and device accelaration powered. Thank you for answer. Sorry for my bad english.
Hey, don't worry about your English. We're communicating which is what matters here :-) I'll comment on the actual PR you sent #136
Hi @sole I'm added new PR, please merge for extend tween.js features. Thanks!
Hi, all! Tween.js - A High-performance, Cross Browser, Minimal, Lightweight, Popular and Powerful tweening engine. But needs more methods, like GSAP. If in Tween.js have more methods ( see Notes N1 ) and Anything tweening ( see Notes N2 ) available Tween.js very powerful and more developers and game makers uses Tween.js
For example, i'm have timeScale method code.
Notes: N1: Reverse ( except yoyo ), Pause ( #15 ), Play ( #15 ), Restart, Seek, timeScale ( #135 ) N2.