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Create epoch timestamps for information.json statuses #80

Closed BeepBot99 closed 7 months ago

BeepBot99 commented 7 months ago

Resolves #75.

Mesure73L commented 7 months ago

I will test it tomorrow.

BeepBot99 commented 7 months ago

Note that, on this website for example, it is the timestamp in miliseconds, not the epoch timestamp. Although, they are both actually epoch timestamps since an epoch timestamp is just the time since the epoch, which was January 1, 1970 at 12 AM UTC.

Mesure73L commented 7 months ago

I was just about to ask that!

Mesure73L commented 7 months ago

You can merge when ready

BeepBot99 commented 7 months ago

On that website, the "epoch timestamp" is the timestamp in seconds. Although, what's funny is that unix computers actually use the timestamp in microseconds, which is neither of those!

BeepBot99 commented 7 months ago


Wow with an exclamation mark! But what did you do to test it? Just curious.

Mesure73L commented 7 months ago

I tested with a timestamp in the past and in the future, and both true and false.

BeepBot99 commented 7 months ago

But did you test it for years, months, and challenges?

Mesure73L commented 7 months ago

Months and challenges, probably will work in years also