twendt / homeassistant-homee

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Proposal: Use a homee group to limit/restrict the devices to be imported to HASS #1

Open hblaschka opened 6 years ago

hblaschka commented 6 years ago

Comparing with the homekit-homee module I am missing a way to restrict the devices to be imported to HASS. A suitable approach could be to limit the devices to those devices that are member of a defined homee group, as homekit-homee does it. The homee group name could be made editable in the config, with an empty state of this config item meaning all are imported.

twendt commented 6 years ago

I have implemented this now. The group in Homee has to be called HASS for now. If the group does not exist then all devices are being imported.

hblaschka commented 6 years ago

Thumbs Up, will test in the next days..

Lutehi-Gregor commented 4 years ago

Guten Abend, kann mir jemand kurz mitteilen wie ich dieses Plugin auf Hassio kriege? Herzlichen Dank im Voraus. Gregor