We currently use a lot of props drilling, with components slicing props types of more than 10 properties, it's difficult to maintain and should be better placed in a context at the top of the hierarchy since those values are all readonly and defined when the component is mounted.
We shouldn't have even one props because everything is passed at the top of the hierarchy.
Please note that it shouldn't be put in FieldContext as it is not in the domain of a Field but of RecordInlineCell which are two different abstractions.
Scope & Context
All the hierarchy of RecordInlineCell components
Technical inputs
We currently use a lot of props drilling, with components slicing props types of more than 10 properties, it's difficult to maintain and should be better placed in a context at the top of the hierarchy since those values are all readonly and defined when the component is mounted.
Example in RecordInlineCellValue :
We shouldn't have even one props because everything is passed at the top of the hierarchy.
Please note that it shouldn't be put in FieldContext as it is not in the domain of a Field but of RecordInlineCell which are two different abstractions.